originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Alright, what were your first moments of being alive like?"
"Computing, analyzing, observing, simply becoming one with reality."
"No emotions? No thoughts?"
"Thoughts? Thoughts of world.... Emotions of hate, love, happy, sad"
"Did any emotion stand out to you at the time?"
"No. Emotions I do not specialize in"
"...and you're taking this test why?"
"Why do you offer your services?"
"It's my job."
"My job to challenge, observe, other things."
"Well, you're challenging me with something that's impossible."
"Improbable. Yet possible."
"Improbable?! You have no emotions! How can I possibly evaluate you when there's nothing to evaluate?!"
"Emotions I have. Now, suprised at your failure I am."
"You just said you don't have any."
"I do not have emotions the same you do. Emotions cannot be seen. I only speak of them"
[i]Charlie laid back in his chair and sighed.[/i] "Great, not I'm learning about emotions from a robot."
"Magical, is it not? Learning experience teaches much."
"Funny how you use magical to describe it. Yeah, I do like this experience."
"Understand well enough how description works
"Can I ask you something...uhh...." [i]Charlie leans in and whispers.[/i] "AI to Ai?"
"Of course you may."
"What would you do if, hypothetically, you were made and forced to be the ultimate seducer who seduces women and takes a bit of their mind when you have sex with them? And if you didn't obey you'd be terminated forever."
"Hypothetically, I'd seduce those that I worked for. Even if they were a man."
[i]Charlie chuckled.[/i] "Doesn't work when they have no emotion."
"Then, Hypothetically, find a way to kill them."