We are LuCKyy and BW. We help people go flawless each and every Trials weekend
We are some of the highest ranking players in the world on PS4 and XB1
If you would like to play with us then join our live stream here: http://www.twitch.tv/luckyy_and_bw
We choose each person that we play with using a raffle. Someone is chosen completely at random
Sometimes we get people from other countries, people who are new, people who don't have a mic and we even get some young kids who win our raffle. We'll help anyone and everyone
We never know who is going to win but it makes for a fun adventure
We'll try our best to get whoever wins to the Lighthouse
Above all else our community stands for positivity, so I know you'll enjoy yourself if you come chill in our channel
That's it! Join us if you'd like and we'll see you in the Lighthouse!
Need 1 4 trials msg OVERSOULZz 4 an inv 365+