Bramd - old
If it's a problem with the Coolant I think I can help you there. This is a nice place you got here; Clean, well lit, this looks completely different from the outside of this place. *He looks around the room in awe, occasionally looking back at some particular thing he finds intriguing* You made all of this? -
"Thanks. For the most part everything seems to be running smoothly though I do have to admit is was a bit of a challenge making sure this place didn't draw to much power." The lights flicker a bit then the coolant system begins to make a loud rumbling noise. "Unfortunately this thing damn doesn't seem to like the extra load all this equipment puts on it! Sure it keeps everything running for the most part but then you end up having to put up with this!" Yelling over the humming of the overworked machine which settles back down after a few seconds.
Bramd - old
Well I can help you with that if you let me. If I can make a portal device I can help you with the Coolant. -
"Hmm... well I wouldn't mind the help. What do you have in mind?"
Bramd - old
Well I've been working on a certain metal that can melt at cool temperatures and stay at said temperatures -
"Hmmm... well if it can maintain sub zero temperatures and run through piping I'm up for it." She goes to the screen of the computer to check on the schematics of her Cooling system. "Still, that leaves the question of where to dump a tanker of liquid nitrogen without causing a disaster. Thank God I didn't go cheap on the piping or we would have a sequel to Frozen..."
Bramd - old
Yeah, it can maintain sub zero, though you may wanna line the insides of your pipes with Carbon Fiber. In order to keep it from being solid again and busting up the pipes it's gotta keep moving, and it sticks to other types of metals -
"Ah alright. It might be a couple of days to get the materials so in the meantime I'm guessing your curious what's with the lab. Like tea?" Opening the door to her living room.
Bramd - old
Now that you mention it I am somewhat interested as to what you're doing. And, sure, I'll take some tea. Reminds me of Maya's place. She was a nice woman; wonder where she went -
She goes to pick a few leaves off a plant on a table next to a small brewery device. Crushes them up and places them in with some water. "Another sciencey type? Friend of yours?"
Bramd - old
Nah, she studied shadow abilities. She was a shadow master second degree, I think that was it. And she had this awesome tea shop -
She let's out a small laugh. "I'd probably spend way too much time in a place like that. Anyways I guess it's probably since I was made in a lab but science has always came to me. Usually I would come here to work on the Amanitin though not too long ago I met a peculiar... God I think? He seemed a bit unhappy being all powerful so I mentioned an experiment back from the lab I was made. The objective was to create a limiter able to restrict gods."
Bramd - old
Hmm... Interesting. I may need that for my father so I can kill him. I am an Ex God so I have a bone to pick with him. -
"So far it is technically possible to make one but as of right now it would honestly need to be the size of the entire village." She pours a couple cups and puts them on a glass coffee table. She herself crashes on the couch. "I've been working to get the design down the the size of my own restriction gear to make it portable. Looking into alternate materials, what can and can't take the strain, that's going to be the key. Those arm bands out there are pretty much what I came up with. They aren't finished yet but progress is progress. Hoping to give them out with a programmable off switch so those who want them can properly spar without sending their sparring partner through a few dozen buildings and go back to 'all their glory' when they feel like it"
Bramd - old
Hmm... How about not having an off switch. At least for the one I need. And I may have a "godly" metal which can help you out. That is, if you wanna strike a deal -
She takes a sip and let's out a sigh. "What do u you have in mind?"
Bramd - old
Well, I happen to possess a special metal that I have only found in postmortemlike areas. You know, heavens, hells, Valhalla. -
"Hehe.. death metal... sorry go on."
Bramd - old
Well that's it, really -
"So a limiter without an off switch for a unique metal that should work am I right?"
Bramd - old
Exactly -
"I'll admit I have my concerns handing over something that dangerous but I'll make an exception. Just don't be go crazy with something like that."
Bramd - old
Trust me. Ask anyone and they'll say that the only person I have a real grudge with is my father -
"Apologies for asking but what exactly did he do." It's unsure of what but something seems to have caught her attention.
Bramd - old
*He sighs a little before he starts talking* Long ago, there was a grand ruler who held the Age of the Old Underworld for a long time, and life and civilization flourished. Then my father usurped this ruler, killing him and his entire family. My father was insane, and brought the Age of the Old Underworld to an end, creating the Royal Underworld, one of the darkest ages in Underworld history. The first children his wife bore were immediately either exiled or became War Beasts, powerful demonic creatures bent on war. I was one of them, one of the damn best. But I knew what I was doing, the other's kinda knew but didn't care. We were slaughtering everything, from the youngest children to the eldest wise men. So I revolted, and he killed me, but I came back and am planning to kill him. That enough for you?