I missed my chance at getting the Hung Jury prior to the Rise of Iron release and I'm absolutely desperate to get it. I've tried deleting the RoI DLC but it's all server side.
Does anyone know whether I can get it still please?
Thank you.
Dont they have a GM or someone official reading this that could give us a short answer on this one?
Maybe un install rise of iron and the tower venders should sell it. once youve bought it install rise of iron again and this should work.Their is no risk because your just uninstalling somthing and installing it again hope this helps :)
I've gotten an extrasolar sniper from an engram recently so I'm hopeful that it's still in the loot table
im in the exact same boat as you. im not sure if primary legendary engrams have a chance to drop it or not. i have seen other faction y2 weapons drop from legendary engrams, so im holding out hope on that.
As far as I know, it's impossible to get it now. The Dead Orbit vendor and packages will only give you Rise of Iron gear and that's it.
Why do you need it so bad?