Want to know what this artefact does to a sword? Look no further. The game has been changed. I have 1000s of kills in PVP using swords, I cannot put into words how amazing this artefact is. Props to bungie for creating this!
The Destiny Fun Police
Edited by XMalakhX: 10/4/2016 2:41:08 PMThat's not real gameplay. As in normal gameplay. You're in a private match with setups. Standing still facing exactly center. Like that rocket that you angled off into the other person. Most 'natural' gameplay won't see things deflected back at the person to kill them.
I used it to deflect a golden shot in normal crucible with my dark drinker, the shot was deflected but all of the energy was gone in a single hit and my health dropped to half. This artifact is not very great.
Edited by Zelrons: 10/6/2016 4:52:48 PMI'm beginning to believe this artifact is intended for PvP as I've been doing tests with it in PvE and it is actively making swords worse. Firstly it does not increase your sword ammo at all. But more importantly every single deflection costs 1 ammo, in addition to regular draining and "big hit" penalties. So high RoF attacks will drain your sword ammo in under a second. The only use for it I can see is deflecting single huge damage attacks, like supers and rockets, things that are only relevant in PvP. [spoiler]I wonder what would happen if you deflected a tracking rocket?[/spoiler]
Good shit man gotta let me try out for the fun police been on the friends list for some time now would love a shot
That's cool, but very situational. Maybe switching to it after you pick up heavy and then switch back to a less situational artifact.
How much extra ammo do you get?
They should reduce the amount of ammo it burns in PvE. But honestly it's quite nice JUST for the extra sword ammo.
Use the arc exotic award and after you shoot a lightning thing start blocking to create a loop
Has anyone tried it on a walker or tank yet?
That's pretty impressive! I use swords all the time, so the artifact was a must for me. Wish it had better stat rolls though.
Edited by El Atriox: 10/4/2016 2:51:58 PM"Increased sword ammo capacity" That's a lie, or it's bugged, because my sword ammo is capped at 68 with and without the artifact Edit: Don't know what happened there, but now I can reach 88, which is a lot
Swords still suck though, same with the Iron Axe relics. Every person i see using them, at any light level, regardless of what emblem they have from whatever activity they are a "badass" at, gets themselves killed repeatedly over and over again. The time it takes to revive is time taken away from DPS and it is a total waste.
Does it work for the wretched eye strike boss?
Was someone else expecting real gameplay? This video shows nothing new
Any footage of this in real crucible action?
That's awesome! I give it a week before crybabies get it nerfed.
Lol that was awesome
This is awesome
Monster Hunter - old
Genji -
I love you fimi.
Seems kinda useless tbh. At least in PvP.
Although it's a great concept, there is a good chance that it will be pointless in PVP unless you are going 1on1. You will most likely get team shot and you have to pick up heavy spend ammo wisely.
The raid just hit a new level
Thanks for that, fun to see. Not sure I'll get as much practical use out of it as you, but I look forward so someone inevitably finding a way to cheese something with it, and Bungie nerf it.