Bramd - old
William... Dammit it's him! What did you do with him!? -
*William "I possessed him you idiot!" [u][b]YOU MOTHERF@&$ER!!![/b][/u]
Bramd - old
*Rather than looking concerned, he actually smiles under his mask, chuckling slightly* Do you know how much you [i]f[/i][i]ucked[/i] up? *Almost instantly he tackles WilliSketch, dissolving into him. His voice can be heard through Sketch's mouth* When not directly fighting, possessing was [i]My Job[/i]! If you can get in, I sure as hell can get you out! -
*William "HEY! GET OUT OF ME! TWO MINDS ONLY!" "Mortar? Is that you?! What's going on!? I can't feel anything!"
Bramd - old
I'm here Sketch! *He tries to get to William to destroy him* -
"Mortar! What's happening?!" *William "Um... What are you trying to do?"
Bramd - old
You know VERY WELL what I'm doing William! *He starts chanting a strange incantation, one created to exorcise beings such as William* -
*William "What is that? Are you speaking French?" "Mortar?"
Bramd - old
*He doesn't answer to either of them as he continues chanting, seemingly advancing towards William in his brain. Outside this three way fight for control seems to be giving Sketch a seizure, causing him to fall, spazzing on the ground* -
*William "Are you giving him a seizure?! Alright! Get out!" *William is an extremely strong presence. Mortar can feel himself losing his grip on Sketch's mind.*
Bramd - old
It's for... His own... Good! *His presence suddenly becomes stronger, pushing William out* Get out NOW -
*William "I... WILL... NOT!!!" *He can feel William pushing back even harder.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar just keeps pushing, gradually getting harder and harder, pushing him further and further away* Stay strong Sketch! -
"How?! What's going on?!" *William "Stop it you imbecile!"
Bramd - old
Never you good for nothing jackass! *His presence keeps growing Stronger and stronger, putting a lot of stress on William* -
*William can feel himself losing grip on Sketch.* *William "Fine! Suit yourself!" *William stops surrounding Sketch's body and Mortar can feel him leave. Sketch's mind went silent and Mortar found himself in control of Sketch's body.*
Bramd - old
*"Sketch" gets up, brushing himself off. When he speaks Mortar's voice comes out* Woah, this is new -
*Vorim is standing there, shocked. Sapphire seems to have run away.* [u][b]Sk-Sketch?! Mortar!?![/b][/u]
Bramd - old
Don't worry, Sketch is safe. Though you may wanna call Ghostbusters, because William is on the run again -
*He points to the ground, his hand trembling a little as his finger points at a black puddle of liquid which is reforming into the shape of a human. And strangely, Sketch hasn't thought a word.*
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*Mortar quickly forms his sword but instead form's Sketch's. The blade feels too light for him* This is... New -
*Once again, it's silent in his head. You hear a beep as if something has just connected and you get a strange feeling like the sword has just become and extension of your own body. Speaking of your body, you now have to stand on your toes.*
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*MortarSketch stands on his toes now, and readies the blade* [u]Cmon Sketch. Take over please so I can fight ALONGSIDE you and not in you[/u] -
*There's no reply, not a single thought. It almost seems like Mortar's the only one in his body.*
Bramd - old