And which parties runner up said to stick to your convictions and "vote your conscience". Was it ted cruz who committed political suicide by refusing to endorse trump by standing on his principles? Or comrad bernie who are being stabbed in the back, or more accurately the front by the DNC still cucked himself over for the hillary? The answer is clear.
Not trying to sway your convictions one way or another. You feel one of the candidates is best for office, so be it. I was merely pointing out that the parties are have always been, and will always be fairweather on any stance. It's to be expected at some level, since they can only gain control by appealing to the general masses. Since the current system is not showing any possibility of changing, I only appeal to future generations to cite their convictions honestly. If enough people do, then the "parties" will have little recourse, but to adapt their "policies" to match.