Trump lies about statements he literally made the day before. Seriously. Give it a Google. I'm not naive enough to believe that any politician tells the truth all the time. My stance against Trump concerns his lack of experience, his open racism, and his general disdain for anyone who isn't just like him.
Edited by TheANSER42: 10/5/2016 5:37:17 PMAlso with the lying thing. With hillary she lies. I think trump just misremembers. He never really lies about anything important either. Also in regards to experience. The F.B.I. director comey described Clinton as incompetent. She has experience but it's bad experience.
Actually. The "racism" was just a ploy for attention in the primaries. It was a risky yet successful gambit. Trump has gotten a lot better since the primaries but hillary us just getting worse.
Yeah I'm still waiting for all the migration laws and for Obama to do something about the cops (oh I forgot cops haven't kill anyone, those people shot themselves). And honestly this whole lack of experience bull shit is just that, bullshit, he'll have people to help him, the president isn't some wise man that works alone.
Well most them were pulling guns on cops and had arrest records long as a tale of two cities so.....
Edited by ElfishPineapple: 10/5/2016 2:19:54 PMNot sure what you mean about "migration laws." Are you referring to birds? If you mean immigration laws, whatever the Dems put forth will be MUCH better than erecting a massive Super Wall. We see how that worked out for the Cosmodrome.
What Laws. We have an open insecure border. Good people do come over but drugs also go directly to the gangs and perpetuate the violence in cities like Chicago. You see how everything is connected. Most illegal I'm magnets just over stay a visa. Nobody cares about immigrants. It's just the drugs he's trying to get rid of
Border Patrol would dispute your claim of an open border. Trump doesn't care about drugs, he just wants to shit on Mexican immigrants. You need to just accept that you e decided to support a person who makes fun of the mentally handicapped, calls women horrible names, has declared bankruptcy so many times he will never pay taxes, and likes to insult veterans at every opportunity. Don't deflect your choice to knocking Clinton. Just accept you support a racist bigot.
He wants to streamline the LEGAL way to get into the country how is it racist to not want to give illegal people my tax dollars? He wants them here, just legally so they can pay their fair share. Sounds crazzzzyyy!@%@$@%hoooooooo
He abuses the system because it's easy. As a business owner his duty is to his business and employees. As the president his duty is to the people. And he has shown that he is very capable of doing that. And how do you know what his intentions are? Can you read his is mind. He spoke with the Mexican president and they treated each other with respect. Hillary just ignored the president's invitation.
None of the things you are saying changes the fact that he's an inept, racist, bigot. 2/3 of the Republican Party has even denounced him--including the last two Republican presidents. You're just in the minority of Americans who believes putting a hateful creature like him in charge of the country is a good idea.
Because Obama does?? He goes golfing while baltimore burns and louisiana drowns. He cant even get on a mic to try to quell the outrage. He cant bring anyone together which is his job. We are all american but idiots like him would rather us be black, white, yellow, brown, etc. Its devisive behaviour that is anti-national.
Edited by TheANSER42: 10/5/2016 3:56:05 PMDon't democrats love minorities? OK serious response now. Look at the polls. He is catching up. There is a poll on CNN that had shown trump winning key swing states. Including Ohio. And how do you know where his heart is at? How do you know why he says things? How do you know just what makes him tick? Also. The party denounced him in the primaries because he disacosiated himself with the party to be the outside Washington advocate for change.