It [b][i]really[/i][/b] bugs the hell out of me that the [b]yellow[/b] colour on the [i]Dream-Eater Cloak[/i] and the ugly [b]red[/b] colour on the [i]Frost-EE5[/i] boots don't change when I choose a shader other than default. But the Frost-EE5's default black is a slightly different shade from the Dream-Eater set's default black, and even that bugs me.
Would you please allow these to change colour?
Maybe while you're at it, please allow the yellow on the Mask of the Third Man to change colour. Do the same for [i]certain[/i] Titan and Warlock gear too.
[spoiler]I use both of these items together for Bladedancer, which makes for extra ugliness if I use anything other than the default shader.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It would also be cool if you could create a new Shader(s) that uses the default colours of the Archons Forge exclusive armour sets and then add some [i]glow[/i] to the yellow bits?[/spoiler]