originally posted in:The New Dojo
Name: Classified
Alias: 'Silver' and 'Arcthrower.'
Species: Augmented Human/Nuva Nuian hybrid
Age: Mid to Late 20s(not including the 180 years he spent in cryo stasis)
Gender: Male
Gear: [spoiler]Advanced armor (many different types over the years, now wears his old Mark 6 armor from his later days in Cyprus, now heavily upgraded to be his most advanced suit), long range high powered tachyon rifle, two plasma pistols that fire high powered plasma shots near the speed of light and change the electrical charge of their shots, modified energy sword with Molecular Bond Disruption technology in it that allows the blade to disrupt the molecular bonds in any piece of solid matter it comes into contact with as well as a plasma blade which can melt through almost anything and change its electrical charge, a blue lightsaber and a gold lightsaber(same technology as his energetic sword though these blades rely more on the plasma than the MBD tech), a combat knife, scanners that can map out areas and give him intelligence on almost anything, a mechanical arm that gives him Electrokineseis, and a cursed knife given to him by Lethal that feeds off his anger(a single cut from it causes a person to bleed out at a extremely fast rate via some dark spell or something. He barely understands the thing).[/spoiler]
Abilities: [spoiler]Electrokineseis, enhanced speed durability and strength from his augmentations, genetic modification, suit, and electrical power, can absorb any form of electricity and use it for power or as part of an attack. [/spoiler]
Bio: [spoiler]Silver(known at the time as Arcthrower) was part of an advanced team of commandos called SilverPulses who were tasked by the Alliance(specifically the Nuva Nui Republic) with eliminating threats too powerful to be defeated by anyone else. For a few years, they were the protectors of the Cosmos. That was until one of the members betrayed the team and killed their commander. A few weeks later, the team faced their greatest enemy yet. A powerful creature known as Entropy. He was briefly defeated and banished, but at a cost. Of the 25 SilverPulses that fought him, only 8 survived. Arcthrower ditched his nickname soon afterwards and went by the alias of Silver in honor of his lost friends. He would later work with various governments both part of and not part of the Alliance in the hope of protecting the cosmos once again, and maybe even finding the traitor(known by the alias of Golden) and bringing him to justice.
He eventually found the Cyprus team, and joined them in fighting Minerva. After months of fighting by their side, Silver became convinced he had found the greatest warriors in history and would trust them with his life multiple times. However, during the team's final battle with the Dread, Silver fled, convinced that he wouldn't be able to survive. He spent the next few weeks in mourning, until him and the other SilverPulses were ordered to put themselves in cryo tubes until the Alliance needed them again, except for Icier who was tasked with protecting them and the Alliance until they were awakened.
When he and the rest of the SilverPulses were awakened from their slumber about 200 years later, Silver immediately took a week to reconnect with some other old friends who had gone into cryo as well, and learn about all the changes that occurred over the past 200 years. Eventually, he went back to his old job of helping the Alliance fight Entropy's forces, and did so for a while. During that time, he was sent to once again fight and stop Golden. He was unable to capture him, and Golden killed one of his closest friends: Antonia. He nearly went into a complete mental breakdown after the event, sand he was unable to fully get through his grief. Also during this time, he started to work with a bounty hunter known as Phoenix on several missions of his. A few months before the Milky Way civil war, he decided to go with Phoenix back to the Milky Way to investigate the rumors that the Federation had grown corrupt and tyrannical. Upon entering the Galaxy, the Federation hired the Incinerator, Phoenix's team, to hunt down Silver and give him to the Feds. They succeeded, and Phoenix went into hiding. With his whereabouts unknown at the time, the Alliance dispatched the Shadowed One to find him, and bring him back.
During his time being a prisoner, Silver was tortured by Phaedrus to try and find out where the other survivors of Cyprus were. After escaping from Federation custody with the help of Wheatley, he worked alongside his new and old comrades to stop the Federation's reign of tyranny. After the war, he joined the Infinite Pioneers worked with them, while continuing to search for Aria and Darth Draxis. When he discovered a trans dimensional wormhole in the Yulan Galaxy, he entered, and briefly worked with the Alliance to help establish new allies and territories in this new universe. During that time, he teamed up with a Pacificator to find and capture Golden, his old enemy. After the Pacificator killed Golden, Silver took Golden's AI, which he later named Blast, briefly hunted the rest of Entropy's lieutenants alongside Wheatley and Evie. He then fought with them against a new threat: the People. However, during the battle, he was captured and was held by the People for nearly a month. Thanks to the efforts of Eric, a fellow prisoner, he was able to escape, but was heavily injured as he escaped. Back with his allies and his injuries almost completely healed, he decided to turn his eyes to the current threats to the Coalition and his friends. However, during this time, he was informed that Mute, an old enemy of his, had survived their fight and came back. After attacking him alongside his friend Blast, he was heavily injured and was barely able to escape. As he fell unconscious, he was captured by X1 and taken away to an unknown location. However, unknown X1, Silver and Blast had a backup plan ready. Unfortunately for both them and X1's associates, Blast betrayed Silver and called in Entropy's forces to glass the planet. Barely escaping, Silver decided to work with X1 to form a force to stop Blast and his new allies. He was later freed by the Alliance and Castle and after convincing the Alliance to pardon X1, going on a colonization mission with her and the crew of the Hermes, hoping to finally get away from the coming war with Entropy for as long as possible.
After the mission, they returned to the Alliance and returned to the war against Entropy, saving each other multiple times during the war and participating in several major battles. Nearly 5 years in, during one of their fights with Golden, Silver was pulled into a wormhole mid fight from which a version of him from another timeline came out. For nearly 3 months he was labeled as MIA, with X1 and alternate reality Silver, nicknamed Arcthrower, initially searching for him. After emerging from the wormhole on the planet of Metian, the capital of the Nuva Nui republic, he worked with a former lieutenant of Entropy known as Ragoris to become Magnetar.
Under this new identity, he went back to the Hermes to stop the Alternate Silver from betraying the crew and even fought and defeated Golden while on board. When the Hermes was boarded by the Arrowhead crew, he and X1 were two of the first to fight back, and when the ship was destroyed, he called in for Alliance support. Soon afterwards he joined up with Evie and went on an independent search for the raiders. After 7 months of searching they rejoined the crew of the Crusader, and he was not happy when JT allowed the raiders to join the crew. However, he wouldn't have time to act on it as the Afflicted soon attacked the ship. After repelling their assault, he was attacked by Alpha, a member of the Arrowhead who saw him as a threat. After fighting long and hard, he was eventually beaten down but luckily saved by X1 who ordered the Lightning Legion troopers with her to take him back to the Alliance. Once brought on board the Providence, an Alliance ship that served as the main base for the SilverPulses, he was quickly confirmed to in fact be the same Silver that had been MIA for nearly 10 months and was placed in protective custody. He now returns to the Crusader to rejoin his friends under his real identity and to get revenge on the man who killed X1. [/spoiler]
Personality/Skills:[spoiler] Silver is a team player, funny, loyal, and extremely smart. However, he does occasionally get into an uncontrollable rage when someone hurts his friends. He suffers from mild PTSD and has been slowly dealing with high amounts of anxiety and a low amount of depression from the losses of many friends, including Antonia, but uses his humor and stays with his remaining friends to try and keep stable. Because of the loss of many friends, he often feels to need to check up on and protect those he has left, even when he is pretty sure they can protect themselves. He possesses many great combat skills such as martial arts, piloting, and space combat. However, he prefers to use diplomacy before resorting to violence. He has high moral values and is fairly trusting of others, having grown less so over the years. He usually is the scientist or sniper in a team, very rarely the leader. He is also immune to most forms of mind control and mind reading. Only the most powerful telepaths have ever been able to read his mind. He can prevent electricity overload by running it across his body or into the surrounding air.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, here we go. [/spoiler]
Okay. Just gotta do some criticism because this character is ridiculously OP. -No regen. Sorry, haven't added it to the rules yet. But it's just a common custom. -Molecular blade won't ALWAYS cut through everything. Some people have enchanted armour and out of this world weapons and armour that can resist said blade. Keep that in mind. (Also, everyone's blade can basically cut through anything.) -Bleed out knife is either Too OP or will just be ignored -Half a millisecond reaction is kind of ridiculous. You would be able to dodge any move or hell, even a bullet that's shot like a foot away from you. -Force properties=hell nah
[spoiler]I know the MBD tech doesn't always work. As for the knife, that was given to me by Lethal, who's character is basically the Devil, so you may want to bring that up with him. Otherwise, I'll try and edit it a bit. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]alright! Otherwise I'm exited to see what you can do![/spoiler]