Mine rolled with
Send it/injection mold
Iridium core/casket mag
Glass half full/life support
Edit; here is a great comparison vs blind perdition.
Guess what guns comes out on top.
Edited by T0Otall4U: 10/9/2016 9:29:03 PMTake a knee, high caliber, and firefly
Edited by Castration Cabin: 10/9/2016 9:02:17 PMSend it/Injection Mold Snapshot/High Caliber Rounds Counterbalance/Unflinching
I got 2 perfect rolls 1. Perfect balanced armour piercing around counter balance 2. Brace frame QuickDraw and glass half full both my clever dragon melts
Send it/hand laid stock Quick draw/appended magazine Glass half full/secret round
Perfect balance / braced frame Armor piecing rounds / feather mag Rangefinder / secret round
I would......if I had one
Smallbore, high cal rounds, glass half full or outlaw. Mine is an absolute beast
Mine recoils too much. I'm probably just going to infuse it into my hopscotch pilgrim.
HCR, counterbalance, handlaid stock
Perfect balance, snapshot, Counterbalance/unflinching. 😀
Perfect balance HCR Full auto Head seaker/outlaw It's a dream come true.
Send it/injection mold Snapshot/ high caliber Counterbalance/feeding frenzy And boy do I love it
Hammer forged/braced frame Lightweight/feather mag Headseeker/secret round Coughgodrollcough
Edited by ZungleBoogie: 10/9/2016 5:09:14 PMSend it, Hand Laid Ssnap shot, High cal rounds Headseeker, unflinching Using ranged scope for range, hls, high cal and hseeker for pvp
Braced frame, high caliber rounds, outlaw or glass half full
Can it drop from match rewards?? Or can you only get it from bounties / rank ups. I'm rank 5 on two characters and haven't seen one do yet :( I will keep grinding if you can get it from match rewards.
Edited by Zarya: 10/9/2016 4:20:27 PMBraced frame or perfect balance, armor piercing rounds or QuickDraw (I think), and counterbalance or rangefinder. It's the best weapon I've gotten in a while. It's on my Titan.
Fitted stock Quickdraw Counterbalance
Braced frame and headseaker. Thats all i need to say to make every1 erupt in a salt volcano.
Hammer Forged/Hand-Laid, Lightweight/Armour Piercing, Rangefinder/Secret Round. It definitely seems like a good roll but I don't know how it'll stack up to my god roll GoM.
Edited by Kman3k: 10/9/2016 3:29:02 PMInjection mold, Lightweight, Counterbalance. It's freaking amazing.
Send it/braced frame Snapshot/armour piercing rounds Glass half full/outlaw
Hidden Hand, High Caliber and Braced Frame
Accidentally infused mine without checking... I hate myself
Hammer Forged, Armour Piercing Rounds, and Rangefinder. Range is amazing. Also got Lingering Song with Explosive Rounds, and Firefly. It's a boss melted in strikes. Got All the Iron Banner Primaries. Did some work on my Titan Got Distant Star I main a Hunter Got Thorn yesterday.