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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: Dojo Bio Page
10/10/2016 2:20:57 AM
[url=]This, but a robot[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Test Subject #14 A.K.A "Brave" [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Height:[/b] 4' 3" [b]Weight:[/b] 100lbs [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Undetermined [b]Other Details:[/b][spoiler]Technological genius, he is a pretty mellow fellow and is usually level headed, if a little nervous. Ironically, is not very brave. Wears a torn thing that somewhat resembles a trench coat. The outside fabric vaguely resembles what should be behind it, but it's blurry, and occasionally shorts out. He is completely robotic, his arms spilt in two and his tail is a grapple hook. His face is covered by a metal dome[/spoiler] [b]Background:[/b][spoiler]Much is unknown about his past, only that he originates from a system in total chaos. Used as a test subject by his own government, he was genetically modified to try and increase his intelligence. It succeeded, with the side effect of him looking like a Kinkajou. He learned at an incredible pace and was kept in a lab for the entirety of his youth. He showed a knack for technology and was used to improve weapons. He was brought onboard a mining ship when the capital city of his home planet was under heavy attack, the government wanting to ensure he survived to produce more weapons. Within a week of boarding he had created a Space-Warper that allowed him to create his most prized possession, [b]The Knapsack[/b]. Capable of storing mass amounts of material, he used it to smuggle material out of the onboard lab he was creating weapons in. He created a basic virus that activated the ship's lockdown function, but opened the docking bay. He grabbed a mining drone and escaped, heading for a planet known to harbor life, Earth. How he became robotic is unknown. He has been spotted on thousands of worlds inexplicably within days of eachother. How he accomplishes this is uncertain.[/spoiler] [b]Weaponry / Abilities:[/b][spoiler][b]The Knapsack[/b] -Capable of storing an insane amount if material, it is his most coveted possession. [b]Bad Vibe[/b] Brave's newly acquired Sniper, fires a Giant metal spike. It hurts. A lot. [b]Arms[/b] -Arms split in two, each having a hand. -Hands have mag-locks. [b]Warpers[/b] Devices refined by Using Brave's 'Larger on the inside' tech, they increase the distance between objects, allowing him to turn a normal room into a football stadium in size. Only has three, usable once before they need to recharge. [b]Dreamcatcher[/b] -A battleaxe. -Blades can emit plasma. -Blades can fold up to created a duel-sided scythe -Blade can retract to make Dreamcatcher a simple staff. [b]Other[/b] -Carries a small plasma pistol at all times. -Has an array of weapons in the Knapsack, but doesn't like to use them. Weapons include but are not limited to: - Rocket launchers - Plasma swords - Machine guns - All manners of grenades and explosives. [/spoiler] [b] Specialties[/b][spoiler] Builder -Builds very quickly due to his small size and fast legs. Programmer -Creates viruses and programs to use yo his advantage. Smuggler -Very comfortable selling to all sides of war, and getting away with it.[/spoiler] [i]I might have somethin' for ya. -Brave[/i]

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