Anyone else think she deserved some sort of questline? Am I the only one who is really bothered by this? A random underwhelming entrance out of nowhere by what was thought to possibly be a key character is RoI? Really bungie???
Edit: ayy I've never been trending before. Go to my profile and check out some of my other topics so I can these ideas out there
I was at first, like before I read her card and heard about the push to Saturn and larger areas with villages and stuff for D2. So my thought is that Lady Efrideet is from this pacifist group, heard about SIVA being dealt with (by us), and she's come to judge us. For D2, I can see us making the journey to her colony and learning how to use our light differently. I would love to see more come out of her storyline, maybe as the year develops and we get a good bit of foreshadowing into D2. While it was weak to start, the soil is quite fertile for the growth of more story. Sorry for the horrible metaphor....