originally posted in:The New Dojo
"O shit, here comes dat fox."
[b]She muttered to herself, eyeing the fox curiously.[/b]
[i]Quincy briefly spares a glance at Val, flicking his ears in interest, but quickly continues searching for a descent sized bush. Upon finding one, Quincy scampers inside to have a bit of privacy as he morphs back into his anthropomorphic form[/i] Aha! Now i can talk! [i]still in the bush, Quincy looks down and smacks his forehead in pity of himself[/i] Great job me... forgot the clothes bag.. again. [i]Quincy hides in the bush and tries to remember where he put then bag with his cloak and cotton pants[/i]
[b]She raised an eyebrow, seeming bored.[/b] "Huh."
[i]Quincy pokes his head out of the bush[/i] Hey, you, catty-one. Can you do me a favor?
"Sure, fox man. What is it?"
See that bag up there on that tree? Can you get that for me? [i]Quincy points at a tree with his right hand-paw*[/i] And im an arctic fox... [i]he muttered the last part in a sad or upset tone[/i]