No don't get me wrong, being a bubble butt is pretty fun, and even more so when that one really salty guy sends you hate for making sure he can't have heavy by ruining his dreams with a bubble.
But there is so much frustration when the following happen:
1. You are still on you pve load out and don't know until you pop the bubble and see you chose "weapons of light" and you don't even have a sniper
2. A group of guys that have a .34 kd band together and overwhelm you in your bubble
3. You see a Titan skating toward you and are just frozen with fear
4. A warlock floats high above your bubble and you just have to except the sweet embrace of death
5. Someone pops a Sun breaker. And you again paralyzed with fear
6. You start to hear the noise that tells you your bubbles about to break(yeah that really annoying buzz) and there are 3 snipers staring at you and you just sit down in the bubble because there truthfully is no escape
That's just a few things that make me salty when using bubble, if you have any feel free to tell me any of your salty moments
Nice post, reason #2 is the best lol.