originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Got it... Alright... Let me just get your stuff."
*He puts the strap of the tent over his shoulder and puts any of his other belongings into a tote bag which he seems to literally get out of nowhere.*
"And up you go."
*Sketch scoops him up, being careful of his legs. Sketch then starts to slowly climb the steps.*
"So, how did you injure your leg?"
Bullet wound to the calf. Wasnt fun digging it out...
"Why would someone be shooting at you?"
I used to live in an arctic wasteland. Food got really scarce and... well. Evidently i look tastey
"Oh... I'm sorry... But we're going to fix that right now so you shouldn't stay like this for more than a couple more days..."
Thanks for all your help, its the most someone's done for me in a while
"No problem... That's one of the reasons I love living at the Dojo, I can help people. That and the fact that when I first came to the Dojo I had become like a Bigfoot... Everyone was out to kill me and prove my existence. Plus I lost control a couple times and killed a few people..."
yeesh. Sounds rough. *flicks my ear around*
Edited by Skatch142: 10/11/2016 2:46:46 AM"Yeah... But they finally realized I'm both as smart as a human if not smarter and I'm a member of the Dojo. And considering the Dojo acts as the main police force for the nearby cities, including Dojoville, you do not want to go around burning their members like witches... And so I can finally walk around down there without a disguise!"
Cool. I literally have no idea where i'm from. But dang, it was cold
"Maybe you'll figure out eventually... I'm from another dimension altogether."
huh. cool. May i nuzzle your neck? I thought i should ask first.
"Oh, I, um, why?"
Force of habit i suppose. I guess i just like acting cat-ish sometimes. Ive actually learned how to purr too.
"Huh... I mean, I both purr and wag my tail when people pet me or if I'm just really happy like when I'm with my wife and kids... I mean, if you really want then I suppose you could nuzzle my neck..."
If it's weird for you i won't. Not too many are used to a more feral type of life. I guess im a little different from being alone all that time.
"Don't worry. We aren't really feral in behavior at all until we ,I se control... And when we lose control we essentially become wild animals..."
I dont think i can lose control of myself. Mostly because of... huh... i cant remember...
"Well, it's just a Sphirinian thing so you probably can't lose control."
Huh. How long till we get there. These steps seem to be endless
"Maybe about another five minutes or so... You should be able to see it from here..."
*looks around and spots the top of it* That it?
"Yep, almost there!"
Yay! So, how'd you get here? To this dimension i mean.
"I was doing maintenance on a wormhole generator when it malfunctioned and I was transported here... My parents were able to figure out how I was sent to another dimension and invented the slip drive. Both my cousin and my brother came here as a result of that. For my cousin, my parents came here in a ship and she got left behind when I sent them back. My brother wanted to just escape from it all and he got a friend to steal one and send him here as well... I think the only reason my parents haven't come back is because they started to go crazy when I [i]disappeared[/i] and have probably been discharged from the fleet and put in prison..." *His eyes have turned purple at the end and his ears droop down.* "But my family is here now... I wouldn't leave the Dojo for anything..."
*nuzzles your neck* Sorry that happened to you... at least you can remember..