I'm really bored, can someone entertain me whether it be a video link or a written joke.
No u?
*Slaughters furries lurking in the forum* [i][i]PRAISE THE SUN[/i][/i]
*sits on your foot* [spoiler]read status[/spoiler]
*dances* [spoiler]not really, I refuse to dance[/spoiler]
Use StumbleUpon if you're really that bored.
I don't know if I'll be much help since I have no idea what could entertain someone such as yourself. I mean, do you like [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a883itqqcd4]power metal covers of Power Rangers songs?[/url] Or what about [url=http://imgur.com/gallery/6jQFDo0]an explanation of dimensions?[/url] Maybe [url=http://imgur.com/gallery/ehvU0]some really cool websites?[/url] You gotta give me something to go off of, fam.
Here you go.... [spoiler]It's quite catchy[/spoiler]