Can we please let the shader apply to it? That's all I ask. A paint job doesn't seem too unreasonable.
Edit: Hey we're trending. Cool.
Edit II: ULianoIII brought up a great idea [quote]It would actually be nice to add an option to the Exotic and Class items to "Toggle" the Shader on or off.[/quote]
Edit III: 600+ replies holy...
Petition for it to have 2 bursts again
I want to use the exotic but with it not changing I refuse to use it. It's all about fashion anyway lol.
I literally just said this to a friend an hour ago love twilight but hate its resistance to shaders xD
Oh god yes please
I am a hunter and i agree with this. We shouldnt be the only good looking ones in the wilds. Because cloaks. U know.
Signed. That chest piece is dog shit ugly
Agreed, the thing doesn't match any shaders in the game. All exotics should be affected by shaders so they match...
Eververse will sell the ability
Bump, Bungie please!!!!
I thought we could use regular shaders to change the weapons we use m. THAT would be cool but nope we have to get these silly exotic items along with dusts of silver just to change the look of only a few weapons...... yeah awesome idea there Bungie.
Bump. It's ugly look is why I don't use it.
I like the blue and that it looks like a life jacket,makes me feel safe near the water on patrols.
Petition to un-nerf it. That's what we need. There was no damn call to nerf that thing. It was the only worthwhile exotic for the titan class
Bungo pls
Signed. Also please add The Taikonaut to the list of un-shadable exotics.
Bungie fixes it next week by creating a twilight garrison shader
Shhh, you might get it nerfed again.
Yes. I was going to make one of these.
No. That would break crucible and then they would have to nerf fusion rifles.
Obsidian mind also.
Shaders should apply to legendary weapons as well. Not exotics or anything under legendary though.