Can we please let the shader apply to it? That's all I ask. A paint job doesn't seem too unreasonable.
Edit: Hey we're trending. Cool.
Edit II: ULianoIII brought up a great idea [quote]It would actually be nice to add an option to the Exotic and Class items to "Toggle" the Shader on or off.[/quote]
Edit III: 600+ replies holy...
Not as bad but add kepris sting to that list too
That would make it op
Signed. I honestly cannot come up with a legit reason bunghole just outright refuses to even acknowledge this simple request. We all recall vanilla exotic armor that ignored shaders. Then HoW rolled around and suddenly exotic armor changed with shaders and everyone LOVED IT. Then TTK comes out and the new exotics don't change with shaders. Like Wtf honestly...
Yes please.
I agree, it's hideous.
Include Immolation Fists and I'm down.