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Edited by Spyderman2323: 10/11/2016 11:54:19 PM

Problem with damage referee?

First off - Bungie for a consumer company your customer service is quite possibly the worst because it is nonexistent. Directing someone to a help page is unacceptable. Posting a problem on a forum in the hopes that someone might see it is ridiculous and bad business practice. To the real issue. Since ROI has dropped crucible is unplayable for me. My connection based on your quality indicator is green as are my opponents. However, I am consistently being killed from scout/sniper ranges by CQC weapons (hand cannon, shotgun) that defy logic. For example, I sprinted while hopping across a door, and was two shot by a hand cannon. I have literally run into someone with the end of my shotgun to only manage half damage. I get one hit melee killed consistently, in supers no less that are typically invulnerable during the animation (nightstalker). I run a high armor build to little or no avail. I can only attribute this to damage referee because while I get melted whenever someone looks in my general direction I barely do any damage with any weapon type. Shotguns consistently only do half to two-thirds damage in close encounters. Fusion bursts, all bolts, will contact with a player and they take no damage (this is NOT after a death) - i understand that fusion bolts cease to exist upon guardian death. High impact pulse rifles take 5 or 6 bursts. Hand cannons take 5 or 6. That's with crit shots. There is something seriously wrong with my account and it makes playing crucible impossible. I've been playing crucible long enough (625 hrs) to know when something isn't right. I've spent inordinate amounts of money on this game because I thoroughly enjoy it. I would hope you would value my business and respond to this post. I have some video clips saved if that would help. I'd like to continue playing this game and supporting it. Please help.

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