originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]Emma almost immediately falls back unconscious as Smaug puts her back on the ship. The beggars thank him for the food, while some give him dirty looks for returning Emma injured to them.
Suddenly, a shot is fired at works back at the building area, coming from the lens flare. It hits him in the calf and blood spurts from his leg as the shot pierces his armour.[/b]
[b]Smaug gets shot and Works went to the ship...[/b] [b]Smaug runs back in the building and holds his hands over the wound while looking for a bandage [/b] Every time... [b]he limps while searching [/b]
[spoiler]Whoops! Sorry![/spoiler] [b]The entire building is in tatters, but he sees a grey door with a male symbol sign and one beside it suggesting the female. [/b]
[b]he runs in the female, nobody would look for him in there[/b]
[b]He stays in there for a while... A few minutes pass.[/b]
[b]goes the men's room[/b]
[b]Since he was shot by a sniper, its highly unlikely he will walk down a building, go into Smaugs, and use a sniper in close range.[/b]
[b]Exactly. Smaug takes this time to ponder. If he was shot by a sniper, why would said sniper follow him into the building? He would be much safer where he was, readying to fire his next shot into smuags head. Staying in the men's bathroom won't change the fact.[/b]
[b]what was the point in saying they were there then[/b] [b]Works looks through Mikey's eyes[/b]
[b]he runs back in the building and looks for a gun or bandage or anything that can help while he has his hands over the wound, pushing on it[/b] [b]APPLY PRESSURE TO WOUND[/b] [b]VIDEO GAMES AND MOVIES HAVE TAUGHT ME WELL[/b]
[b]There should be toilet paper in said washrooms that were stated before in the future for said reason! Oh man! Hopefully works gets his ass over here![/b]
[b]maybe...[/b] [b]but you did say you they had no use[/b] [b]Smaug goes to the bathroom and wraps toilet paper around the wound[/b]
[b]With the sniper still outside. A different approach has to be taken. Of course, Smaug could always just become a dragon and eat the shit out of him. ....Literally.[/b]
[b]Smaug just keeps wrapping the toilet paper...[/b] [b]he then washes his hands and turns dragon[/b] [b]finally he proceeds to eat the man[/b]
[b]A very easy solution for such a drastic problem! The man is eaten. [i]....Loading[/i] Works gets back because the plot demanded it. [/b]
[b]Smaug turns human and Mikey flies to Works's shoulder once again[/b] [b]they enter the club[/b] [b]all wounds healing for a fair fight?[/b]
[b]Nah. This is my mess of a quest. They enter the club, and the ceiling has completely collapsed. Shattered glass lies across the dance floor as the two men walk through. On the floor, they see some posters.[/b]
[b]they both start looking at the posters as Mikey flies in and lands on Works's shoulder[/b] Works- Ya sure you wanna fight? You're hurt. Smaug- You can't do it alone. Works- And you could? Besides, I'm not alone. I got Mikey. Mikey- SQWUAK!!!! Works- No doubt. And also I can clone myself. Smaug- Well I can become a dragon. Works- Fair enough.
[b]There are many posters on the ground. All of them damaged. Except...one. Of a...cat? The cat is hanging from a tree. And it says "hang in there."[/b]
Edited by JealousOrc: 10/13/2016 9:23:00 PMWorks- I think I found it. [b]Smaug looks over at it[/b] Smaug- Yeah, that's it. [b]Works turns to Smaug and holds his hand for a handshake[/b] Works- Been a pleasure. Smaug- Likewise. [b]they shake hands[/b] Mikey- SQWUAK! Works- He asked about what you're gonna do after this. Smaug- I don't know... Probably leave the Dojo and drop you off wherever you want. Works- Where will you go? Smaug- I don't know that either. But I know one thing, wherever I go, i'll make sure nobody ever gets hurt again. Works- I'm thinking of just staying at the Dojo. And chilling there. A free man, living in peace with his eagle. Smaug- Peace? There? Please... Works- Ok, maybe not living in peace, but peace is boring anyway. Smaug- Truer words have never been spoken. But, we should enter the dimension now. Works- Funny, we're about to go in an inspirational poster and kill someone... Mikey- SQWUAK!!!! [b]Mikey nose dives right in and Works jumps in after, Smaug inhales through his nose and walks off the floor into the poster[/b]
[b]Their visions both go black, and both feel a warm floor at their touch as the atmosphere has changed. It is still completely black, but a voice Echoes through the darkness.[/b] [i]"....And who would you too be....Mmmmmmmm."[/i]
Works- Turn on the lights first. Geez.
[i]"I feel like a similar conversation took place with your dead friend. Mmmmm. But I will, sweet stuff."[/i] [b]suddenly the entire room alights. The floor the two men stand on is a massive purple lit disco floor. Massive pillars align at the two mile long square shaped arena. It's two miles wide as well. Around the arena there is a small gap on each side, leading to another arena of the same size. Each blinks pink, purple and blue as the pillars turn out to be massive lava lamps that change colour as well. For the sky? Well it seems like that is a dark purple clouded void. In fact, everything around the arena in a massive sphere is like that. [/b] [b]At the end of the centre arena stands a tall woman. She wears a pink glowing hat like the Japanese wore in ancient times. It has long strands of cloth hanging from it, so you could not see her face. On her right arm, a massive tricone blade which seemed incredibly sharp.[/b] "Welcome. Hehehehe. What brings you here? OH! Wait. I know. Your pal? The one who took the good O'l leap?"
Works- He wasn't my friend... Smaug- I'm just here for answers. I wanna know what happened. [b]Mikey had landed on a pillar when he went through[/b]