[b]Name:[/b] Eric Cooper
[b]Age:[/b] 24
[b]Info:[/b] Human Male
[b]Vague Images/Description[/b]
[url=http://imgur.com/ZPUEOBv]Young, with dark black hair, white skin bordering on a tanned bronze, and piercing white/blue irises.[/url] His prosthetic arm is skeletal in appearance, with black braces, and grey modules for support; the coilgun inside is white, and the barrel lights up blue as it charges, as does the palm of his hand. [/spoiler]
[url=http://imgur.com/7LoBySx]Helios-M14a Gauss Cannon[/url]: The Helios-M14a Cannon uses an asynchronous linear-induction motor to produce a bipolar magnetic field capable of launching a plasma projectile at an incredible speed of just under Mach 40, or approximately 13,611.6 m/s. It's semiautomatic, and a capable anti-vehicle and antipersonnel weapon. It fires slowly, however, but does not need to be reloaded. The plasma is generated by his fusion reactor, and is recyclable.
[b]Prosthetic Arm:[/b] A combat prosthetic, built to maximize strength, dexterity, and illegal compartments and modifications. With a carbon-nanotube lattice as the basic structure, covered in graphene and other durable materials above that, it's incredibly compact, and the field drivers at the joints give him an incredible boost to his physical capabilities.
[url=http://m.imgur.com/5VacoeU]B1H3 Blaster Sidearm[/url]: A rare sidearm, prized for its handling and compact frame. Very precise holo-sights, with a low ROF and surprising dexterity. Fires the equivalent of .22mm rounds in pulse munitions; stored in his prosthetic arm.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/y3acsGh.jpg]PRISM SR4[/url]: A long-barreled sniper rifle, powered by a mixture of electromagnetic rails and modern chemicals, which fires a .75cal slug of ultra-dense programmable matter. Bolt action, single-shot, with advanced holo-sight. Kept in the magnetic lock on his back.
[url=http://imgur.com/cyNOAYw]Gauntlet Blades[/url]: Twin stable particle beams surrounding superalloy spikes, that wreck havoc in CQC engagements, these blades have an effective range of only a foot, yet inflict catastrophic damage. When activated, they spring out from the emitters in his wrists.
[b]Snap Discharge[/b]: A repulser-like ability that causes friction by electrically generating plasma on surfaces and electromagnetically manipulating it for propulsion, or in this case, repulsion. The force generated is enough to cause friction severe enough to inflict injury on humans, and is able to shear through armor and shielding alike.
[spoiler][url=http://imgur.com/qfwKWV4]Helmet[/url]: A polarized helmet with VISR optics and an advanced HUD, this helmet provides great protection with a sleek, aerodynamic frame. Visor is actually a meta material that is far stronger than steel, and grants a lifelike rendering of the outside, with seamless holographic projections. (Note: her visor, as well as the rest of his armor, is matte black). It can also link with his prosthetic arm, giving Eric uncanny accuracy with weapons.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/NbPC3rh.jpg]Armor[/url]: Lightweight, aerodynamic EVA armor that allows for slight augmentations to movement and strength, while providing a surprising amount of protection, all in a lightweight package. Constructed from amorphous titanium, with carbon nanotubes as an outer plating. Matte black, with blue heatsinks running along the contours of the armor (sorta like [url=https://gfycat.com/EnergeticImperfectHyena]this[/url]).
[url=http://imgur.com/a0xQ27E]Boots:[/url] Lightweight rocket boots that allows for extremely versatile aerial combat and maneuverability. Directional thrusters featured gyro-stabilizers to apply counter-thrust for maneuvering and landing.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/ZR1LOdK.jpg]Wrist-Mounted Tactical Computer:[/url] Self-explanatory. Projects a holographic image, and is able to be linked to active comms system. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Skilled melee combatant, with almost unmatched dexterity and agility. He's strong, impeccably trained, and with his prosthetic arm, supremely equipped for any engagement. His exoskeleton armor is strong and flexible, and it augments his strength slightly. He underwent numerous Ranger augmentations, which gave him enhanced ocular and sensory capabilities--he has perfect night vision, and amplified hearing. [/spoiler]
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