What's this? [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39813/214272671/0/0]Go here[/url], then report back to this thread!
Submit your entries for Inktober here, be sure to read all the rules on the above link before entering.
[b]Round 2:[/b] Ingenuity - Be creative and original. The world is your canvas.
Edited by Mez: 10/13/2016 2:12:07 PM1st Submission Vex Splicer After deciding not to proceed with my original idea, I brainstormed for awhile and ended up on the thought "how terrifying would it be if SIVA infected the vex instead of the fallen?" And immediately liked the idea. This is a quick sketch of what I think a vex goblin would look like if infused with SIVA tech. It has a cannon on one arm and an energy sword on the other. Instead of using legs to move, it hovers above ground Edit: Creations Link- https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=215376178