So I got a random Waltz pulse rifle. Not a god roll, for which it needs high caliber, perfect balance, and counterbalance, or so I keep reading. Personally I feel extended mag is on par with highcaliber, 36 in the clip is pretty awesome for pve and crucible.
The full list is Steadyhand (extra stability), extended mag, perfect balance and glass half full. I thought it was a really nice roll. How do you rate it?
Of course counterbalance is nice but the recoil is nearly vertical as it is. Is this one really a lot less nice? Other Waltz users out there with an opinion?
Got a waltz with steady hand, snapshot, hammerforged and counterbalance, got a grasp with red dot ores, handlaidstock, counterbalance and spray and play. Waltz is good, grasp is great with the two stability perks.
I bought the vendor roll when ROI dropped, absolutely loved that gun. It's a nail driver.