I honestly only get killed by four weapons.
-high rof pulse rifles
-The Last Word
High rof pulse rifles cause massive flinch, and also have a quick ttk.
When TLW bullets decide to register, it's probably the best primary in the game.
Shotgunners have a ton of tools at their disposal to make them a nightmare to deal with. (Titan skating, No Backup Plans, Juggernaut, Stormcaller melee, invisibility)
Snipers are a one hit kill weapon, but they have unlimited range. Why wouldn't you use one?
Conclusion: Primaries were powerful in year one, but now they're only good for taking down your opponents shield before they shotgun/snipe you.
I don't want a Call of Duty type Crucible where it's about who gets the first shot off, but I want primary weapons to be the [u]primary[/u] source of kills.
When most people run around with specials and treat them as primaries, then we have a problem. And that problem has been apparent since the beginning. The ammo nerf hardly affected specials in PvP, since PvPers still run around with specials. PvE got the shaft again. Primaries need to be used primarily, and specials should be used for special situations.