I honestly only get killed by four weapons.
-high rof pulse rifles
-The Last Word
High rof pulse rifles cause massive flinch, and also have a quick ttk.
When TLW bullets decide to register, it's probably the best primary in the game.
Shotgunners have a ton of tools at their disposal to make them a nightmare to deal with. (Titan skating, No Backup Plans, Juggernaut, Stormcaller melee, invisibility)
Snipers are a one hit kill weapon, but they have unlimited range. Why wouldn't you use one?
Conclusion: Primaries were powerful in year one, but now they're only good for taking down your opponents shield before they shotgun/snipe you.
I don't want a Call of Duty type Crucible where it's about who gets the first shot off, but I want primary weapons to be the [u]primary[/u] source of kills.
It's because you have a moron that wants to slow down the time to kill and give us 20 shots with shotgun or sniper in a round if you pay attention to boxes. They still haven't fixed auto rifles after 6-7 patches and lied to everyone saying the 7.2 percent increase wasn't needed when it's said and done it will be around 7 percent most likely.