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Edited by A Mage Of Void: 10/15/2016 2:18:49 AM


Season 2 Episode 3 Episode 28 Concordat The Titan was talking into his comms. “Get Backup here. NOW!” Daltec blinked away, as a couple of squads of Guardians surrounded the Group. “Pick ‘em up and take them to HQ!” A Warlock called out. The soldiers saluted and locked suppression cuffs on everyone. They had guns trained on their backs and a number of heavily-armed Titans in the clearing, searching for Daltec. He smiled to himself, as he dropped from a nearby building into the middle of the area. “Hey Guys. How's your health plan?” They turn around, startled, as Daltec pulled out The Devil You Know. “APPARENTLY IT’S GREAT!” Daltec walked away from the pile of corpses as they awaited Resurrection. “Welcome, to the Concordat! We are the select few who reject the Tower, the Traveller, and it's ways. You have stumbled into our city. Why are you here?” The Warlock shouted, clearly female from the tone and pitch of her voice. Erax stood up. “I… Don't quite know. We were with Rasputin a minute ago. Wait… Where’s D-” A guard hit him with the butt of his rifle. “Now… Whatever shall we do, with you?” She asked, suspenseful-like. “Wait. You missed one of us!” Erax yelled back, as to stay his Punishment for intruding upon the Mercenaries. “Yes!” Tesla called out. “My one true love, Daltec!” The Warlock smiled. “There is no way of him rescuing you, if that is what you think. This compound is locked-down tighter than RAS-5! You have no hope!” Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Concordat mercenaries were training for war. Fixing their guns, polishing Artillery. Aion looked upon their arsenal from the window. “Yes… You Vanguard have no hope!” The Leader smirked. At that moment, a flash of light erupted from the Courtyard gate. A voice could be heard. “HEY KIDS WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY?!?” They screamed in surprise at Daltec’s sudden appearance, and took up their weapons, training them upon his broken Armor. Another flash of light, and they had been piled up in the courtyard, with their Guns in another pile, taken apart. “Get the Alpha Objective!” The Warlock said. She loaded a scout rifle and aimed it at Daltec. She fired. The explosive round smashed into Dal. He felt that. Then the bullet infected him with poison. Inserted through the open wound. Daltec fell to his knees. He was suppressed. Concordat Titans flooded the Courtyard and aimed their Blue and Green Suros Pulse rifles. The Warlock walked to Daltec. “Finally. We have the third Murmur in our grasp. He may not still be one with the Dark, but he has use to us yet.” An Energy field surrounded Daltec who was now up. But powerless. Then he was teleported away again. the Warlock walked back to them. “Now you shall meet our commander.” She called out to the prisoners. Massive wooden doors stood in front of them. A Grand Palace. “Please. Enter. This is the Concordat Palace. Our main base of operations.” The Warlock escorted the Guardians to an room. Inside was a circle. Above the Circle was teleport technology. Without question, (seeing as they were at gunpoint) the Guardians walked in the circle. They were immediately teleported upwards. This was even more grand than the Palace. It was a rather fancy for the Concordat or even the Vanguard. They were escorted into a grand room, a throne chamber, really. Daltec nudged Aion and whispered. “Get ready for the Windy Thing”. Aion looked in confusion at the Kyojin, and was forced into kneeling by their Guards, next to… Hemera? “Welcome! Welcome! Welcome, to my humble abode”. A Titan was sitting atop a throne of Silver. He wore a Golden Sword upon his back, and a Shield on his Arm. “I have captured you to acquire the one known as Daltec. He IS one of the few Murmurs. We could easily get Eris but she does not fit the military definition of a Murmur. You friend, Daltec, does. He is the perfect weapon. So I offer you something. You join us in our conquest to bring down New Monarchy and the Consensus and all this, the Last City, and the German Warmind will be all yours!” “Aion… Windy Thing…” A rifle barrel was shoved into Daltec’s back. “Shut up, you're in the presence of Lord Ares!” “Windy Thing!” “I'll give you ’till the count of three”. Ares rose, and put the blade to Daltec’s neck. “One”. “Damnit Aion! Windy Thing!” “Two…” “DOTHEWINDYTHINGDOTHEWINDYTHINGDOTHEWINDYTHING!” “Three!” Aion did the Windy Thing. He rose from the ground, dark-blue energy coursing around him, becoming faster with every moment. They formed a ring around Aion, glowing Brighter, then a Sphere, becoming as bright as the sun. Then it erupted with the awe-inspiring force of Wind, scattering wind blast in every direction at Terminal Velocity. The Suppression bonds were broken, many Guardians, including Erax and Tesla, were reduced to light within their Ghosts, and the Temple was blown apart. Daltec had managed to dig into the ground with his hardened fingers, and Ares had stuck the blade in the ground, beside Daltec’s head. Ares walked to Daltec and stepped on his hand. “That was not a question. It was an order. So, Daltec, as the Butcher told me, you are a Murmur. Is that true?” Daltec grinned, and referred to his right-arm. “Do you SEE a Giant Goddamn piece of Hive Tech on my arm, Fool?" Ares looked to the arm. “Well then. I believe there is still use for you. Do you wish to kill Hideo?” Daltec looked into Ares’ eyes, steam pouring from his body. “Honestly, you're actually worse than the idiot, somehow. Get yourself ready…” “Challenge accepted. You illiterate foolish Hunter”. Ares smiled, as he cut through Daltec’s arm. “Big Goddamn mistake you GODDAMN SON OF A WHRRRRROOOOOOUGH!” Ares grabbed a sidearm and aimed it to the Hunter. Daltec thrusted his stump towards Ares, as the intense heat burned through his armor. Bone ripped through his stomach, as the arm reformed and plunged through Ares. “Agh, Goddamnit. You're good”. He then shoulder charged him to the ground. The Titan’s sidearm transformed into a fusion shotgun. He charged it in a 10th of a second. It blasted at Daltec who was hit in the mouth. His Jaw lay agape, tongue rolled out. The Titan grabbed the Kyojin and snapped his neck. “Well. Thank you for making Dead Orbit an enemy. Foolish Psi.” “Ha. Ha Ha. HA HA HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Daltec was laughing intensely. “You. You goddamn idiot. You just activated my trap card”. Daltec surged with Arc Power, and blinked, sitting upon the throne, with what could only be described as a Colossal Arc-Destroyer. A 20 ft long Arcblade greatsword. He laughed again. “Gahahahaha!” He swung the sword, and it barely missed Ares. “Well then. Kill the Murmur!” Ares said. The Warlock ran up and fired a Rocket at Dal. The rocket was simply sliced in half, slicing the Warlock and scattering the Cluster bombs around the floor. “God... Just imprison them!” Ares said to his remaining troops within the temple. They fired at all the Guardians, and each fell with one shot. The Suppression bonds surrounded them again. A Concordat fired at Daltec. He took it in the leg, as he attempted to kick it out of the air. He smiled, as he ripped off the leg. Ares then stabbed Daltec in the heart. A Dreadnaught Ghost fell from the belt of the Hunter. Ares crushed it. “Take them to the Arena!” He told his troops. “Get up! Get up Dal!” Erax said. His red hair falling on his face. “Don't make me resuscitate you again!” Hemera looked to him. Her voice sounding more and more like a program. They were in a ship. Captured. Tesla leaned in to kiss Daltec, when his Reflection shield fried her. He woke up from the jolt, and reacted with force, slamming Tesla into the hull. Erax looked at Daltec. Into his eyes. They were strange. Especially after being electrified. Aion’s, too. Quite blue, like the ocean or… Wind? Erax couldn't tell what he was thinking. He cared for Daltec. Now that he had lips, and a tongue, and a human body, Erax half hoped that he could kiss Daltec again to see what it was like. He grabbed Daltec’s hand. It was… soft? He'd never felt anything like it. As a Human, everything was different. Daltec looked at Erax. Erax nodded. He held Daltec's hand. As a friend, he thought. or maybe something deeper. “As much as I would love to kiss you right now, I've gotta go and beat the hell out of a giant Demon thing. Sooooo… See ya?” Daltec regrew his leg that he had ripped off, and he pulled a bolt from the ceiling of the Cargo Hold. It was time to goddamn do this. Daltec scattered into Arc Bolts, and creeped up the hole. Erax was actually sad that he had to see Daltec go. Hemera held his hand. “Thank you… Harriet…” Erax said. Hemera smiled. But it wasn't a true smile. She was covering a wound in her chest. Quinn just looked at them. He was confused. So was Aurus. “What the Hellmouth is freaking happening?” Aurus asked. Quinn shivered in shock. He didn't know what to think. Liber was asleep still. He was awake earlier but would rather sleep than watch Erax and Daltec make out. Or so he thought. The ship then landed. A Concordat Hunter pushed each Guardian out at gunpoint. They walked out. “You thought we would gas you?” The Hunter asked them. “No no no. We have something different. An arena! KILL or be KILLED!” They were pushed off a cliff. The Guardians were now in the middle of a gigantic Coliseum. The Hunter smiled. “Heh, and Unlike Oryx, we keep our worm hungry!”

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