This weapon right now is an utter joke.
-Its damage does about the same as bolt caster
-Its weakening effect doesn't help
-Its stats are the exact same as every other sword. (Seriously can we get arch types for swords already?)
-It launch's people into the air, making it hard for your team to hit the target
-It takes too much ammo to use its special
-Its ammo capacity is too low.
Proposed changes:
- Lower swing speed, increase impact
-Remove enemies launching into the air
-Make damage effect last longer
-Make ammo cost 6 instead of 10
-Make sword have more armor bonus than other swords
-Buff the damage booster to 20%
-Buff ammo capacity by 10%
For something that you get for completing part of the story, it shouldn't be on the level of the y2 exotics swords, which took hours upon hours of grinding to get