originally posted in:The New Dojo
2330 hours
In a rather open spot in one of the courtyards of the Dojo, a group of medical droids could be seen carrying a barely living [url=http://img10.deviantart.net/f0d9/i/2016/124/a/f/benjamin_walker_render__3_by_benoski-da1aecx.png]Silver[/url] to a nearby landed [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/arrow/images/7/7c/The_Waverider.png/revision/latest?cb=20160122051727]freighter[/url], taking him inside to the medical room of the ship and prepping him for surgery. Meanwhile, [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/4015/th/pre/i/2014/161/c/5/just_part_of_the_job__gmod__by_herioc107-d7lv6do.png]Phoenix[/url] waits outside, messing around with the new plasma blade he was installing in his right wrist plate while he waited for the surgery to end.
[spoiler]Open to all, though I'd rather avoid another fight for at least a little while. [/spoiler]
A light [i]Whoosh[/i] was heard, before a cloaked boy walked up next to you, despite still retaining his powerful aura and body features, the armor had gone away, and he wore no weapons on him Alpha didn't speak, instead choosing to sit
*Phoenix simply turns to face Alpha, glaring at him from underneath his visor "And may I ask why you have come here?"-Phoenix(trying to keep as calm as possible)
"To make sure he lives" he said simply, and there was a note of truth to it
*his glares starts to turn into a look of confusion "Excuse me?"-Phoenix
"Did I stutter?" he unsheathed a claw, and picked at something in his teeth
*he doesn't seem intimidated in the slightest "No, but you were the one who just tried to both him and me."-Phoenix
"Yep" he paid more attention to the bit of food stuck in his teeth than you
"Then why the sudden change of heart? Anything to do with that sniper from the fight?"-Phoenix
"Maybe, maybe not, that's personal" now you had his attention, those horrible glowing eyes focused on you
*he still doesn't look intimidated. In fact, he seems to look rather pleased with the outcome "Well, at least you two are no longer fighting each other. Thats a step in the right direction, and something very few people in a situation like you and Silver's can ever get to."-Phoenix
"He's about as scary as little timmy's first OC........ I'm really not surprised he doesn't let up, he seems to have an ego"
"A bit of one, yes. However, I wouldn't underestimate him. He may not be the toughest guy around, but he is still pretty powerful has a lot of connections. As long as you don't try to kill him again though, I'm sure both of us can prevent a fight like this from happening again."-Phoenix
"if he tries again I WILL kill him, let him know that"
Edited by SilverPulse620: 10/18/2016 7:44:26 PM"I'm sure he already knows. However, I don't think he will try again."-Phoenix
"hes as stupid as he is persistent, you can tell him that"
"That I can agree with."-Phoenix
he went silent, simply waiting for either you to speak up or silver to return from surgery
*just as Phoenix is about to talk, one of the medical droids comes out and turns to face Phoenix. He gets up and looks over to it "Well?"-Phoenix "We were able to remove the bullet and repair the damage done to his heart. However, he is still recovering from the wound."-Droid *the droid turns to face Alpha, then back to Phoenix "Is he..."-Droid "It's fine. I'll make sure he doesn't try to him, I'll handle it."-Phoenix *the droid nods and then motions for them into the room. Phoenix makes his way inside
Alpha whistled as he walked, putting his hands in his pockets although he seemed ill at ease in a laboratory/hospital setting such as this, and fidgeted often as he walked, messing with his claws
*he is greeted on the other side of the door by a advanced medical room, filled to the brim with all kinds of medical supplies and equipment. His eyes soon turn to one of the two beds inside where Silver lay, all of his armor except his helmet taken off an replaced with a simple medical gown and still unconscious from his surgery and attached to an IV, heart monitor, and several other devices. Phoenix takes a seat next to him
Alpha walked over to silver, and looked at the helmet curiously, and then hooked his claws under the chin of it, gently lifting it up
Edited by SilverPulse620: 10/18/2016 11:22:23 PM*as he does so, he finds his face to be quite scarred, especially around the right side of his face. His grayish green eyes open up soon after, and slowly turn to face Phoenix and then Alpha. Upon seeing him he immediately sits up and rips off the metal rail of his bed with his right hand, readying to have to fight Alpha again, but Phoenix shakes his head "Relax. He comes in peace."-Phoenix *Silver simply glares at Phoenix, as though he didn't believe him. He then turns to look at Alpha again
"As long as you refrain from hitting me I won't have to end you" he said, not moved in the slightest
*he slowly lowers the makeshift weapon, still not seeming to trust Alpha. He then slowly straightens himself out and looks right at him "Might I ask why you are here?"-Silver
"To make sure you lived, and to give a message Leave, and never come back, and if you hurt the crew, I WILL kill you next time" he turns, and starts to pad off "and not even a fleet could stop me if you did try anything"