originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]The young Miss Violet walked up to the table and sat down. She was currently wearing her red cloak, black tank top, and short black skirt that went down to half way between her waist and knees. She shyly looks up at the deity and speaks softly.[/i] "Someone told me this was a challenge. Is that true?"
"Oh, indeed it is! Sure you can handle it?" [b]The deity hits his cooler and it fires out a bottle of rum which he catches by the neck.[/b]
[i]Violet nods with little confidence.[/i] "I'll try my best."
"Then let's give it a go..." [b]The deity pours the lady a shot. And he then pours himself one.[/b] "Ladies first...."
[i]She drinks the whole glass with a disgusted look on her young face.[/i] "Ew. Your turn?"
[b]The deity grins has he takes a quick sip, downing the glass.[/b] "Going again? Or was that itty-bitty bit of run too strong for you?"
[i]She becomes more confident as she downs another shot. Violet was already swaying back and forth a bit.[/i] "I can do this...I think."
"You don't think right until you know! That makes no sense!" [b]The deity drinks another. Still going strong.[/b]
[i]Violet gulps down another. Her cheeks start to get red.[/i] "I know I can do this all day."
"Ohoho! We'll see about that Hot head!" [b]The deity downs another glass. Now using the table to make sure he's steady.[/b]
[i]Violet downs another as she begins to sway more. She unhooks her cloak as her blush darkens.[/i] "I'm goin' to beat your sorry ass!"
"How are you gunna do that when you drop to the floor after your next sip?!" [b]The deity drinks another, smashing the glass on the ground as he shakes his head.[/b]
[i]Violet drinks another shot. She becomes giggly as she responds in a...surprising manner.[/i] "I'd drop to the floor for a handsome fellow like you any day."
[b]The Deity hardly reacted as he took another sip.[/b] "Ya, Most ladies would. Too bad I got a much scarier lady who happens to live in a castle." [b]The deities pure egotistical nature shut down whatever the fu[i]ck[/i] just happened.[/b]
[i]Violet replies before taking another drink.[/i] "I'd be into a three way." [i]When she took the next drink her head slammed into the table and she fell out of her chair.[/i]
[b]The deity raises his hands in celebration.[/b] "VICTORY! BRING IN MY NEXT VICTIM RED!" [b]Tesuto, in his party hat, picks Violet up and carries her to the drunk and disorderly room.[/b]
[i]She manages to push her self out of Tesuto arms and began to stumble around.[/i] "I'm fine. I-I just need to get home."
"Do you know where [i]right[/i] is?"
[i]She put both of her hands out and observed them for a second before holding her right hand up.[/i] "Yeah, of course I do!"
"I think I would rather call you a cab driver..."
[i]She started to stumble away as she replied back.[/i] "My home isn't that far away."
"Errrr. Best of luck then...stay safe." [b]Tesuto continued his party activities.[/b]
[i]The drunk, 18 year old, flirtatious girl in a short skirt walked home by herself.l[/i]