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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/19/2016 12:29:27 AM
War Dogs // NWH Gladius, above Tatakai // 10:00 PM // JT. The black walls were filled with silence in the large, open meeting room as the cowboy stepped in, and the metallic steel boots that had been coated in a brown colour slammed into the ground which forced the spurs to chime, and in turn alert the entirety of the room to his presence. Thankfully it was one man who planned the interaction out via phone call, but nonetheless his encrypted call was alarming for the cowboy considering the one calling him had to be open about a lot of non-work related outgoing calls. JT's brown duster was worn over the armour he wore which allowed him to stand at ten feet tall. The silence soon ended as the voice of a polish man spoke over the intercoms and the cowboy immediately froze up. He was told in the call to be in Meeting Room D-9, which was exactly where he remained to listen in. The words that followed after had, well, it more or less enraged the Techno-Cowboy further which seemed to be a nearly impossible feat to accomplish due to his calm and relaxed general nature, and in turn cause hell to be unleashed, all because of the deep voice that spoke over the P-A system onboard. But the words weren't spoken to him, not to his allies, but instead to the some ten thousand men that served onboard the Gladius. "D-9, he's in D-9, take him out boys!" That phrase... JT always suspected treachery would be the outcome of his military life, that was why he severed ties with the NWH for the most part. But the Marshal knew what would be considered sensitive information and so he needed to be taken out. Gas poured into the rooms via the water sprinklers overhead as deadly and poisonous cyanide gas crept all throughout the insides of the room but the mask kept the betrayed cowboy live, but it also gave him an idea. JT glared all around the room and spotted only three entrances, one in the north on a balcony, one in the east beyond the long table, and one in the west where he entered. And with that he powered down the mechanized rig and left it in low power mode, where the engine in the backpack stayed off and movements were up to muscle strength. All three exits burst open as a canister was tossed inside of each, before a flash of light exploded from the flashbangs and in turn nearly destroyed the Cowboy's hearing temporarily, but the sound muffling device inside the suit kept him able to hear. When each of the operators looked to the unmoving suit they found it safe to assume the cyanide had been effective, so all but one lowered their guns. The one who kept it up though, he knew it was suspicious as the suit would still be in high power mode logically, so he kept his LasCarbine at the ready and his slate grey NWH Combat Armour at the ready. Four soldiers had came in on either side, totaling to twelve tangos to take down. When the sleek, grey laser rifle was pressed against JT's chestpiece, he moved once more by swiping at it with the bottom of his right arm where a long bladed weapon lay along the three foot forearm, as the extendable blade popped and JT spun. He plunged it in the side of the figures head but positioned it at just the right spot so the blade would extend and strike the spot of the brain where the brain would clench the fingers and cause his arms to flail about, which it did flawlessly as eight men were taken by surprise and, in turn, were each met by a laser to the side of the head. All of the remaining three men sprang up into the air as they scrambled for cover, that being the wooden table nearby, but they were soon surprised further as the massive G11 Chainsaw on JT's back roared to life and ripped each man to shreds with its 50. Beowulf ammunition. When each man was dead, JT positioned the gun to sit as his left hip before grabbing the laser rifle of the dead man before him, before charging at the door and shoulder charging it open. When the massive steel doors burst open from their previously locked state post-entry, JT was faced with a hallway of soldiers stretching far as the eye can see from either side of the hallway, but the LMG at his hip allowed him to eliminate those behind him while he focused fire with the assault rifle, his ceramic plated armour dispersing most of the melting heat that came his way. The Bandit bolted down the hallways when seventy men lay dead in either pools of blood and intestines or by the organs that liquefied from the laser gun. A lone man in a mechanized warsuit that was roughly the same as JT started to charge and barrel down the hall, but as soon as he grabbed the two foot long bayonet knife to tackle JT, he extended a boot to kick the man in the face and allow the pure force and weight to cause immense blunt force trauma inside the skull, and even shatter the throat and neck bones of the would be assailant. It seemed that JT was not playing around any more, and instead of the bridge, JT made the logical but all too stupid choice of sprinting to the hangar. The doors that were hallways had led JT to the hangar, but it was filled with not only vessels of war but also by the infantry from before, with the occasional rocket unit and even a few men that manned 205mm cannon-cars. But JT had a way out, so he got on his knees and activated "Overdrive" mode for his armour, where the suit's massive V10 engine roared loudly as the wheels beneath the plates of his kneecaps popped out, and allowed him to start rolling around at two hundred and fifty miles per hour. The rockets and footmen all aimed and fired at JT as he rolled on past but nobody managed to hit him, as he literally jumped out of the airlock from orbit. JT knew where the ship was positioned over Tatakai, though he didn't know it would come to be of use until after the blatant betrayal of General Derek Kovich, so he allowed himself to free-fall from the two mile long ship as he straightened himself out, simply for the purposes of aerodynamics. A fleet of NWH Transport Ships flew beneath, each looking essentially like a UNSC Pelican, and he extended a fist before smashing it directly through the cockpit of one where the pure forces of impact completely eviscerated the pilot, sending chunks of blood and gore all throughout the relatively small ship as it lurched forwards and dashed towards the ground. JT activated the MagLocks in the bottom of his boots so he could look down while riding the ever spinning ship, as the oxygen supply in his suit was running low from the supplied air he brought along. It was a damn shame that space contained no oxygen, or else he would be using the armour's rebreather to filter out oxygen atoms from hydrogen to give a steady stream of the gas. He spotted a fleet of lone fighter jets on the horizon as they hurdled towards him, the purplish blue streaks left behind by the jets causing a brilliant colour residue mixture. He took a leap of faith and jumped off the crashing ship as they flew to him si that he was on the other side of the falling vessel, before latching onto the middle ship, stepping on the pilots head from the roof, pulling him out through the shards of glass, and deviating away as the rest of the unit thought he just fell and took that ship with him. Dojoville // 11:21 PM // JT. The green spacecraft soared through the skies as either of the ships wings were in a perfect state with almost all the rockets in their salvo, but the long glass roof looked completely wrecked and as if it was in a state of disrepair, even though it was supposed to be bulletproof. JT's ship was coming full speed for the Dojoville as it soared through the skies above before JT jumped out of the pilots seat, executing a backflip in the air and landing on his feet, in the centre of a large open plaza. The stone tiles cracked beneath his feet as a pulse of wind blasted in every direction, even sending large amounts of water out of the fountain that stood ten meters behind him. If that didn't attract attention then the spacecraft that crashed and burned just across town did. JT sat there, knelt before the ground as he kept his right hand on the ground with that knee, while the left was up and on the wheel of his left. And when he rose from the rubble all around, people wonderously marveled at the display of skill, either that or the variety of guns and swords on his person, all without knowing what just happened to him. "I'll make him pay... Koviiiiich!" The cowboy shouted into the sky, from the crater he sat in. ((Open. Just know that JT ain't fùcking around))

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  • "Heh, sounds like Wilson. Hell, just be glad he didn't go to... Wherever the -blam!- your mainland is."

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  • "My mainland is already dead. Shady Sands, nuked to hell by some crazy asshole that came through around ten years back. I'm currently supposed to be in Colorado, but I came here to look for Ranger Isaac. And, well, he was dead before I got here. I'm hunting the bitch that killed him. Shot a huge-ass hole in her friend's chest."

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  • [i]"Well good luck Ranger. I'll tell Wilson that no Rangers are around the Dojo if I ever see the guy." [/i]

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  • "Thank ya. Appreciate it. I have orders to shoot on sight, but I'm not stupid. He'd kill me and the only other troop stationed here."

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  • A lone figure watched from a rooftop, his face hidden by the white cloak he wore, the cloak's crimson trimming making it seem like a snake with its undulating movements as the wind blew He hopped down, his paws and cybernetic left leg allowing him to do so, and walked over to JT, his vambraces gleaming in the light "Who is Kovich?" he spoke quietly, but his voice had a distinct mix of boyishness, regality, and depression, borne of his background through the years

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  • The steel-melting gaze of the Techno-Cowboy wasn't one of disgust or pure wrath when he looked over to face the kid, instead it was one of straight up annoyance hidden behind an incredibly thick layer of ceramic, steel and shock gel that allowed him to get no point across with the look. His eye slots stayed in the one shade of blue that they always maintained when not in combat or stealth modes though, as they rested in a state of looking to the kid. "A -blam!-ing traitor."

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  • "Hmph, fair enough" he offered a hand to help you up, though you doubted he could lift you "Welcome to Takatai, and the Dojo, I'm Alpha"

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  • "I'm a lieutenant, dumbass." JT rejected the hand seeing as he was ten feet tall and probably almost as tall as Alpha from his crouched position, before he stood up to face him. He wasn't lying, because he was a lieutenant at the Dojo and was pretty familiar with Tatakai as a whole.

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  • "Sorry, it's not my fault that I've never seen you, [i]Dumbass[/i]" he said, with the childish tone that young people aquire when they're arguing

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  • The cowboy was definitely a right-winger in all honesty, so when he lunged forwards and attempted to deliver a high powered punch to the kids face, he was thinking that he had the freedom to. And he did.

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  • What JT couldn't possibly have expected was the sudden burst of fire that flew from the kid's fingertips, blasting the cowboy back with the force of a truck "Calm the -blam!- down asshole"

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  • The flames landed upon the ceramic of his armour and soon dispersed with ease, but the push back would be moving hundreds of pounds seeing as his armour was extremely heavy, so JT was barely staggered when he punched. ((Suit is REALLY heavy with all his specs, trust me.))

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  • he flew back, landing with a crack and a cry of pain from the punch, his left arm broken and right leg twisted and mangled from the landing, he gasped and couldn't even move because he hurt so much

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  • Edited by Atom: 10/19/2016 6:50:22 PM
    [b]If the screaming ship wasn't enough, the yells of the man certainly caught the scientist's attention. He ran a hand through his grey hair of medium length. his skin was by no means tan, resulting in a bright white, like his lab coat. His pants were blank, along with his shoes. The man's hands were covered in metal, along with his forearms, shins and boots. He walked quietly to the area, a slight smile on his aged face. His glasses were bent out of shape, as he adjusted them with the metal gloves, where the sparking of electricity could be heard. He sat on a park bench, with his gloves sparking a newly brought out cig. He blew the smoke into a white-half formed skull. Something he hoped to learn.[/b] Angry? Scared?

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  • The glare of anger that had allowed the figure's cyan eyes to look to the skies was soon returned to the ground as the screaming subsided, and the cowboy looked to the elderly man that had chosen to speak with him from the comfort of a seat. Though he appeared to be at the least middle aged, so the cowboy was willing to overlook what he believed to be laziness and pass it off as a sign of bones weakening. "Anger."

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  • Hm... [b]The man's grey eyes stare out towards the sky, either be it a sixth sense, or common knowledge, due to your direction of screaming. His back hunched over, causing creases in the coat as he stood. He began his walk over with a slight limp, eventually reaching a short distance of three meters away from the man. Silently, his gaze looked out over the horizon... Until he spoke up once again.[/b] Perhaps, but... That's something you can turn around. Be it into joy... [b]He paused again, to drop the lighted stick, grinding it under his foot with a "bleh."[/b] Or unparalleled rage.

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  • "Probably the rage, I'm pissed as fûck." The cowboy didn't lie, this was the second most pissed he's ever been in all forty years of his life, the first being the time his daughter took a bullet at the hands of a cat.

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  • [i]Damn, seems like he was in a pissy mood. Especially with the fact that JT was betrayed. Xavier carter stepped down into the crater, attempting not to trip over.[/i] "Sir...?"

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  • The glare of wrath in his glazed eyes turned to Xavier in a way of displaying anger, as if the cowboy had just a tad too much wrath he wished to unleash on the lives of thousands and consequentially take away. "What?"

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  • "JT, what the hell just happened?" [i]Xavier looked up to the sky, where he possibly fell from. JT does seem to have a bad day, after all. Maybe a fight?[/i]

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  • ((You don't want that. Trust me.)) "A treacherous dog tried to bite me." JT said those words with spite and malice together, as if he was referring to a man who just took away his lifes work and cast it aside, which was exactly the case.

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  • "Maybe you need to relax..." [i]Xavier really had no idea how to calm JT down. I mean, the fact that he had to go through that would be pretty hard to recover from.[/i]

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  • "Relax? Would you relax if you just got gassed like it was World War II?"

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  • "Well, no. But still..." [i]This is going to be a bit difficult.[/i]

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  • "Get the fúck out of here before I send you away in a casket."

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