As a day one alpha beta player, I have grapes instead of raisins. Git gud skrubz.
Edited by SpakulatorX: 10/20/2016 11:07:38 AMFor some reason all I've got is an orange. :/ #OJ
As a pre-Destiny, Bungie nut fondler, I have whole fields of grape vines. Git rekt noonsauce
[quote][quote][/quote][/quote] [quote][/quote][quote] Git rekt [b]noon[/b]sauce[/quote][quote][/quote] [quote][quote][/quote][/quote] Is it high noon yet?
It's high noon somewhere
Hey its its high noon
Yep the666guy
Not for you. It's dead Noon, noonsauce. You're done for
So is dead noon like 12:30?
Dead noon is 12 High noon is 12:03 (depending on the day of the year) You won't see high noon
I suppose I wouldn't see high noon, then again, since its just a concept technically no one can see it.
You're not high enough to see high noon. If none of this makes sense--you're not on the right plane for high noon
You're not high enough to say that I'm not high enough.
I'm high enough to judge the height of your high relative to the highness required to be high enough for high noon
There isn't a height high enough to judge the highness of my height in relation to the highness required to be high enough for high noon because no height can comprehend my highness.