Hey Guardians,
So, I’ve been developing a Windows 10 application for Destiny gear management for a few months now, and I’m happy to say it is finally ready! Destiny BankShank runs on Windows 10 devices in general, with a focus on PC and Tablet devices, and is designed to help you manage your inventory across your characters as quickly as possible. No navigating to websites, no waiting for long load times. Just a simple click of a button opens the app, and you’re ready to go.
About the app: This a gear management app (i.e. Tower Ghost or DIM) that is available on Windows 10 through the Windows Store. It currently supports transferring and equipping items, managing loadouts, viewing other players’ inventory, maximizing light, and more.
This app is built for speed. I’m aiming to make this app significantly faster than anything else out there, and it is a goal I believe I have met.
Please stop by and check out the app! It is available now in the Windows Store.
Edited by s6ku: 11/14/2016 7:50:45 PMCan you make one for mobile? I have to go across the whole house just to use it