Edit: I really don't understand the down votes, I knew the general community was generally against the well being of solo players, but this is a little ridiculous.
If you are going to design the follow on to Court of Oryx to be Archon's Forge, it is a nice design in general and I do enjoy playing it.
HOWEVER, there are things that NEED to change. Beyond the changes that the community have already cried for like stackable SIVA offerings, the little things matter the most. If I'm too lazy to LFG or pull friends into a fireteam to run Archon's Forge and I don't have a Perfected offering (read: it's either fused or enhanced) and I want to solo the public event, which is easy to do, I shouldn't have to worry about dying wasting any efforts of farming the offering and starting the event. Honestly... If I'm absolute and I try to duck around a corner only to find a silent exploding shank that was staring at the ceiling or floor is triggered and kills me, I should have enough time to respawn (5 seconds on the counter), get the splicer key into the kiosk, have the door open, and drop back into the arena with at least 15-20 seconds to spare before the event ends.... The timer is so short that the damned door doesnt even open fast enough to the point you can barely see the fallen before the encounter ends. Right now the encounter times out with no one in the arena at about 10-15 seconds.... Just boost that time out to 30 seconds and we are all good. Court of Oryx only gives you 20 seconds but you can walk right through the door (you respawn at about 11 seconds to return to the arena and can run through the door within 4-5 seconds leaving you 6-7 seconds to be slow at life and still continue the encounter). Also, if you fail in the court of oryx you keep your rune....
This issue of Bungie making it take too long to be able to spawn back in and open the door wouldnt be so bad and almost no-one would complain about it (looking at solo players that spawn into an empty Archon's Forge) if we were able to keep the SIVA charges if we fail...
Fix this Bungie!
P.s. I had a topic on this yesterday in feedback but some jackwagon down voted it into obscurity within minutes of the thread being created... his solution was "just don't die" which is fine and dandy but that's not a solution to the issue.
First of all, the forge is not meant to be a solo activity. You just need to make sure that when you enter it that you do not run or ride a sparrow. Walk slowly. This will give the matchmaking mechanic time to get you into one that has other players in it. Second. You have plenty of time to complete a fused and enhanced solo. You have to be mobile and use the various points of cover to your advantage. Also be sure to shoot and destroy the siva cluster that spawns in the dome when your worth is being tested. Then be sure to grab the ax and use it.