What is the difference?
I like how people are spiteful enough of an ideology that they would rather give cancer to their children.
[b]E D G Y [/b] I find it funny how the majority of people here are losers who don't talk to girls and then blame 'feminism.'
This post is so edgy it makes the Grand Canyon look like The Great Plains.
Whats the difference
How about I give my kids manners and morals. Those are usually good.
[quote]had[/quote] [spoiler]Farming coconuts since 7-26-2016 [/spoiler]
Edited by The Wizard : 10/21/2016 1:42:34 PMFeminism, Its just the fight to get equal rights as men but a Feminist na[b][/b]zi is a different thing. It mean they think that women are supreme. Also whoever think a feminist means women are superior need to get educated about the topic.
Edited by gizmonster: 10/21/2016 12:34:07 PMI'd rather my child be intellectual than one who's perception is seriously deformed. Of course, women's rights is super important, but people trying to claim that women's rights is an issue in AMERICA in this ERA, that's freaking messed up. The middle-east is the area that needs a women's rights reform.
Cancer can be treated
What the shit is this poll and what the shit are those results?
What's the difference?
Edited by JoeCasserole: 10/20/2016 8:41:38 PMThere's a difference between a regular feminist and a feminazi Feminazis want to put women on top and put men down, while using the title feminist as a shield from backfire and when you say something that they don't like, you are a sexist pig. Regular feminists believe in equality between genders. Correct me if I'm wrong (Edited)
Feminism is a good cause, the idiots who think feminism means female superiority cause all these false beliefs that feminism is bad.
The idea of feminism is not bad, it's just some feminists take it waaaayyy too far
.....this. This is the reason I left off-topic before.
Well everyone has cancer anyway so... [spoiler]im not even joking[/spoiler]
You can fight cancer. Feminism? Might as well euthanize the poor bastard.
What's the difference?
In all seriousness.. which one would be easiest to cure? One requires money, and the other requires a good swing from a firm wooden club...
What's the difference?
I definitely wouldn't want them to have cancer cause that's a horrible way to die. I watched my dad suffer all through his cancer up to his last breath.
Feminism I don't want my kid to have cancer. That is just way to horrible
What's the difference?
Whats the difference?