Edited by ookshmook: 10/21/2016 9:19:05 AM"Because you're the only person on tubb's side with half a brain and knows how to work a reality displacement device."
[i]He then gets a bit suspicious.[/i] "Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Were you spying on me?"
"Don't take it personally. I know everything about everyone."
"Oh...kay..." [i]He cleared his throat.[/i] "What am I supposed to do?"
(Small capsules https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=venom+mine&client=ms-android-samsung&biw=360&bih=559&tbm=isch&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiOm_yRzOvPAhXsJcAKHXfCCbcQ_AUI3gIoAg#imgrc=SNg_vuZ4kUkBVM%3A Appear in his hands) "Put these on the walls of tubbs strongholds. I'll put them on blob strongholds." (He places one on a chair) "And when they are attacked..." (the chair is enveloped by a purple bubble coming from the capsule, which then retracts, seemingly destroying the chair and the capsule) "But when we destroy the quish..." (A purple bubble appears where the chair was, expanding untill it pops, leaving the chair standing there, as if nothing ever happened)
[i]He sighed.[/i] "Sounds stupid but... Alright."
(The figure gave you the capsules and nodded) "Thank you" (He then dissapeared in a whirlwind of purple mist)