originally posted in:Xbox One
What are you grabbing from Xur this weekend?
Hint his location is in the hanger this week. This weeks inventory is: Immolation Fists, Skyburner's Annex, The Stag, Hawkmoon, and Legacy Helm Engram!
I was sad to see that the exotic engram xur us selling this week is back to being a legacy engram (Y1-gear-only). Laat week he sold non-legacy guantlet engrams. Once I realized that I bought a bunch. I hoped he might be doing non-legacy engrams from now on... I hoped maybe bungie had decided that everyone who wanted Y1-non-infusable gear had gotten it by now, so it was time to sell engrams for current gear. (That would get my vote) I don't know if last week was a mistake or if now *both* legacy and non-legacy will be in his rotation list. Has anyone seen any release notes from bungie that say?