originally posted in:The New Dojo
(The ceiling and floor decend to another level, much larger, where hundreds of weapons of all shapes and sizes, grenades, transports, and suits of armor are.)
"Take your pick."
*he looks around and starts to walks towards a few racks, taking a long range rifle plasma assault rifle, an Adamantium combat knife, a plasma combat knife, and a wrist mounted plasma blade. He then walks over to the man "These will do nicely. I've got the rest of my gear in my fighter."-Silver
"Ok. Now, do you want a sedative before teleportation?"
"No. I can handle it."-Silver
"Good" (The figure makes the noise ahain, the mist shoots towards you again, and everything goes purple again. Suddenly you're back in the room with the droids)
*the droids walk over to check up on him but he quickly shrugs them off and makes his way towards his nearby fighter, opening it up and grabbing his tachyon rifle, dual plasma pistols, a strange glowing knife, and his energy sword. He then gets into the cockpit of his fighter, prepping it for launch
(The figure teleports into his fighter https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=planetside+2+scythe&client=ms-android-samsung&biw=360&bih=615&tbm=isch&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvqaXB9-7PAhWFF8AKHZbGCg0Q_AUIBSgB#imgrc=eLR69uwy1rI5wM%3A ) "Does that ship have stealth?"
*he gets on the comm "I didn't before, but I had a cloak installed before I came here. Thought it was about time to have one."-Silver *as the fighter starts to take off, Silver pilots the fighter out of the courtyard and into the atmosphere "You have the coordinates of that ship?"-Silver
(His fighter takes off as well) "I'll download it onto your HUD" (A marker appears on your HUD, mark in where the ship is)
*he starts to fly towards it, cloaking as soon as they reach the upper atmosphere. He then starts his scan of the ship, analyzing it to see how much of a threat it poses
(It was covered in energy blasters *not my name. Tubbs's name* )
[spoiler]wait, that's a bit early. We kind of need to stretch this out so the actual attack is at the end of tubbs's plot.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I was going to do some recon on the ship. That may extend it a bit. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok. But we'll need tubbs for that. I'll try and get him.[/spoiler]