I know most players already know about this, but I just wanted to take a moment and explain this, because I feel like there are some players out there that still don't quite understand how to setup their build efficiently.
For those that don't know, by build I mean your Intellect/Discipline/Strength setup.
The reason I feel the need to make this post is mostly because I'm nosey. If there's any down-time, or just any time to take a second and inspect somebody during strikes, or in the crucible, I do. I've come across so many guardians that you could tell were new, but also people with high grimoire and light, that have their build in a mess.
It just socks me that so many people either don't know how to, or just don't care about having an efficient build.
OK, so first things first
Intellect - this determines the cooldown (or how fast you get it in a static environment) of your super.
Discipline - this determines the cooldown of your grenade.
Strength - this determines the cooldown of your melee.
There are 5 sub-bars (or tiers) that make up the total bar. Each tier is worth 60. The full bar is worth 300.
Anything over 300 is a waste. Having a stat of 350 for your Intellect does not make your super cooldown any faster than 300.
If you have anything over 300 on one of your bars (let's say your Intellect is 320), you should put the extra 20 toward another bar, either Disc. or Strength, depending on whether you like grenades or melee better, without letting your Int. go below 300.
The perfect setup is having 12 of these tiers filled up. There are plenty of guides on here about how to get a 12 tier (T12) setup.
Since there are 5 tiers for each stat, T12 means having 5 tiers of Int, 5 tiers of Disc, and 2 tiers of Strength all filled up. The numbers would be 300/300/120.
There are other T12 setups, but the 5-5-2 is the most common. This gives you your super and grenades the soonest that you can get them, in a static environment (or how fast you'd get them by just standing still and not doing anything).
The other options are 5-2-5 (Int-Disc-Strength), or 2-5-5 (Int-Disc-Strength), or even 4-4-4 (Int-Disc-Strength).
But even if you can't reach a T12 setup with your gear, you can still maximize your potential by organizing your build. If you like using your super and grenades the most, then max out your Intellect and Discipline.
Having a build like this: 350-110-260 is wasting the potential of those extra 50 points on your Int. Adjust it so that as many of those extra 50 points as possible are on either your Disc. or Strength.
Having an efficient build isn't going to suddenly make you a top 1% player, but it will maximize the potential of your gear. The quicker you can get your Super, grenade, or melee, the more you can use it, and the more potential kills you can get.
TL;DR - Pay attention to your Intellect/Discipline/Strength setup. The more efficiently you use the avaliable points from your gear, the more potential kills you can get.
This is a great post bringing awareness for those that don't know or pay close attention to how this works but I would point out that it's completely dependent on the gear their guardian is currently wearing and that you may not be able to reach a T12 set up without swapping something out. sometimes you may not want to swap out a piece of gear because of the other perks given - my titans adamantarium for example, don't want to give up the extra grenade or heavy capacity for str because I don't need the int or dis (just an example). I could of course use glass needles until I get it where I want it, but if I get let's say some solid boots that fix this it'd be a waste. There is the whole leveling bit too. Increasing your light takes priority and sometimes it's not worth it to infuse, infuse, infuse when you could just swap your armor for 10-20 minutes until something higher drops and infuse once it's worth it (5-10 light above what you are infusing it into).