originally posted in:The New Dojo
(The figure teleports into his fighter https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=planetside+2+scythe&client=ms-android-samsung&biw=360&bih=615&tbm=isch&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvqaXB9-7PAhWFF8AKHZbGCg0Q_AUIBSgB#imgrc=eLR69uwy1rI5wM%3A )
"Does that ship have stealth?"
*he gets on the comm "I didn't before, but I had a cloak installed before I came here. Thought it was about time to have one."-Silver *as the fighter starts to take off, Silver pilots the fighter out of the courtyard and into the atmosphere "You have the coordinates of that ship?"-Silver
(His fighter takes off as well) "I'll download it onto your HUD" (A marker appears on your HUD, mark in where the ship is)
*he starts to fly towards it, cloaking as soon as they reach the upper atmosphere. He then starts his scan of the ship, analyzing it to see how much of a threat it poses
(It was covered in energy blasters *not my name. Tubbs's name* )