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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/22/2016 7:12:10 PM

[i]Breath in.[/i] [i]Breath out.[/i] [i]Pull the trigger.[/i] [i]The click of a trigger was heard as a loud BOOM! resounded, the noise coming from the barrel of a modified Evelyn flintlock-style pistol, crafted in Cainhurst and upgraded rather heavily. The silver ball shot out of the barrel immediately after the racket sounded; crafted out of silver and holding shrapnel within it's core, the ball was the size of a .44 Magnum round, while the Evelyn itself fired with the force of a Smith and Weston 500 Magnum revolver, which sent the gloved hand that fired the weapon straight back. How a brass and steel barrel could handle that much firepower would seem rather surprising to most, but it was within the craftsmanship of the pistol itself that made the idea work. The billet sped onwards, until it found it's way into the forehead of a particular Vileblood, splintering her skull open and tearing through her frontal lobe and more with relative ease.[/i] [i]Her light blue eyes rolling back into her shattered skull, Irina's now dead body fell to the ceramic floor with a surprisingly light thud, dark blood beginning to pour out of the killing blow within her skull. And the one that delivered the blow itself?[/i] [u]"Simulation: Complete.[/u] [u]Status of 'Irina S. Eiliza': Successful.[/u] [u]New Record: 0:22."[/u] [i]The smoke cleared from the barrel of the Evelyn, revealing the strikingly pale, angular face of 'Irina S. Eiliza', or simply Irina. With high, shallow cheekbones, smooth pale skin, pinkish lips and a perfectly fine forehead, unlike her counterpart in front of her, Irina's cold, light blue eyes stared at the dead clone of her that she had murdered in less that thirty seconds with a singular shot from her Evelyn, expressionless as the dead Irina began to fade away into black cubes and into the air, leaving no traces of her very existence in the first place. Irina's platinum blonde hair was tied back in a long ponytail that rested upon her back, although some of her surprisingly neat hair rested in her light blue eyes still. A slight smile appeared on Irina's face as her laced up gloved hand then holstered her Evelyn at her side, alongside a long brass sheath that held a sword within, held to a tight belt that wrapped around her waist. Resting upon the Vileblood's head was her trademark black leather tricorne hat, completed with a pure white feather plucked from a pigeon. Her outfit consisted of a dark grey longcoat that draped her body, alongside a previously white shirt and a handkerchief protruding from the neckpiece of the outfit. Her gloves were tightened by steel buttons, to ensure that they were not lost in combat. Irina's light tight pants were tightened more by the belt wrapped around her waist, while her feet we're hidden away by laced up leather boots. A long, tattered velvet red and dark leather cape protruded from her left shoulder, and simply waved as she made movements towards a wooden chair within the simulation.[/i] [i]The weapons that she had bore this day were rather unique in their own way as well. Alongside the brass sheath to her Rakuyo and the Evelyn she had just used to kill a clone of hers was a slightly curved, stainless katana with a stone hilt, which rested upon her clothed back and utilized straps to hold it in place. Also alongside her Evelyn was the handle of a lightsaber, a particularly odd yet useful weapon for the Vileblood to use. The final weapon that she bore that day was a simple katana blade, a weapon that belonged to Tesuto and something she intended to return to him. The blade was stainless and cared for, as if Irina actually valued it's very existence. [/i] [i]...Did she do the right thing, when she betrayed her own Queen, all because a samurai that guarded a place of fighting offered a way out of her suffering? Was it right to betray all of the men and women in New Illios, the ones that relied on her to bring victory to their nation, to guard them and protect them in their times of need?[/i] [i]Irina didn't know for sure. One second, she was a proud Vileblood that served the Immortals, and the Within the Dojo.[/i] [i]The simulation room that Irina was within was...unique, to say the least. It bore striking similarities to her home, the forbidden castle of Cainhurst, specifically the entrance hall to the building. Dark, bloodstained velvet rugs covered the stone ground as marble pillars rose up to the second floor, holding up the floors above Irina's head. The walls were decorated with fading paintings of the royal family and tattered flags and symbols, most including the symbol of the Vilebloods themselves. Torches and lanterns faintly lit up the dark entrance hallway, while wooden benches and chairs sat out to the side. The stone entrance was the entrance to the simulation itself, so a blurry wall covered it entirely. Overall, the place felt just like home to the Vileblood, as she felt rather..comfortable, funny enough. After a moment of staring at the masterful structures, Irina sighed lightly as she resumed what she was doing before, and made her way to a wooden chair that was almost against the wall. She did not rest within it just yet, but instead grasped the wooden structure of it and began pulling it quickly towards the center of the supposed arena. Irina then pointed it towards the entrance, and proceeded to plop down within the chair. She had to at least seem somewhat formal, although she thought centering herself in the middle of the room seemed rather snobbish. After a moment, she leaned back against the wooden seat, closing her light blue eyes as she waited for the inevitable challenger. [/i] (Open! Yeah, if you combat her, she will try to kill your ass.)

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    Bramd - old

    *Mortar, of all people, notices Irina, and walks over to her.* Hello Irina. What's up with you? *Strange, it's... Abnormal for him to be friendly to someone who has terrorized the Dojo Multiple times.*

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    "What's up" [i]Irina seemed to have gained some sort of technology, or ability, to speak once more. She spoke with a soft, beautiful Italian voice, although she sounded confused by Mortar's question.[/i] "...Good."

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    Bramd - old

    Oh, that's cool, you can finally speak. *He smiles, leaning against a wall opposite to Irina* So, what have you been up to recently?

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    "...Why do you suddenly care?" [i]Irina didn't understand Mortar's behavior at all; she was hated by the Dojo, she knew it. So why was he asking her how she was doing? Because she thought it was some sort of trick or..something.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    Well, since no one had the balls to successfully kick you out, I thought I'd gain a potential ally. *He chuckles slightly as he holds out his hand to shake*

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  • Why all italics? Also 3long5me

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    Eh, I've always preferred to write in italics. And...okay. Cool.

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  • Alpha watched from a spot in the room, having entered and then climbed up using handholds to get to a perch on top of a pole holding a banister up After he realized what were embroidered into the banners, he treated them with a sad respect, doing his utmost to disturb it no more, though the pole creaked when he shifted his weight into a more comfortable position

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    [i]As the pole creaked and the noise echoed within the room, the woman sitting within the chair slowly turned her head to Alpha's location, a faint grin crossing her angular, pale face. It wasn't a grin of madness or insanity; it was one that was actually somewhat welcoming.[/i]

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  • "I lived in a castle like this....once upon a time" he sighed sadly, and sat down, his legs dangling in the air, his prosthetic whirring with the motion "Unfortunately such places weren't meant for fate has shown through the events of my life, I don't get a home. Friends? A commonality that deserts me..... Sorry, guess I started ranting, I'm alpha, you?"

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    "No, no. It's fine." [i]The woman had a soft, almost beautiful voice, with an Italian accent coupled alongside it. She seemed to respect Alpha, and almost...understand how he felt.[/i] "It is good to meet you, Alpha. I am Irina. You probably saw the...simulation?" [i]She was referring to where she blew off the clone's head in a rather grotesque fashion. Irina wasn't one to play around, to be honest.[/i]

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  • "Indeed, I wished I had someone like you in a fight, you'd be pretty helpful" he sighed "So, what's your story?"

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    "Story? Look, I...I don't think you'd like it too much. It's..well, to say the least, dark." [i]Irina sighed heavily, as if she had endured a lot over the years. It seemed quite odd.[/i]

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  • "Dark? I can handle dark.....mine's not exactly all rainbows and sunshine..... If you don't want to, that's fine, but.......I can tell you've seen some shit, I can respect that"

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    "Let's just say it involved a lot of blood.. Fine, kid. I'll tell you. Started out in a Gothic or Victorian style city, back in the day in an alternate dimension. Nice little place called Yharnam. It wasn't even half bad, if you ignored the constant beast plague that found itself in the hearts of man. There were people that...killed these beasts. Freed them from their suffering, you could say. I was one of those people. A Hunter, of the Healing Church. Alongside me..some life-long friends. Daniel and Sam. Sam..Me and Sam, we...well, had feelings for each other. Eventually, he proposed, and... ...One night, it all went to shit." [i]Irina fell dreadfully silent, her eyes suddenly closing as she proceeded onwards with her story.[/i] "...Found a girl on the streets. She...She had the corruption within her. Eating bodies and developing grotesque features. I-I had no choice, I had to end her. I-If I knew it was Daniel's sister, I... I came back to m-my house...f-found it in flames. S-Sam and my parents...they were..."

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  • ".........I'm sorry....I know how it feels to lose everything" he dropped down, and looked at you with a sad smile, sighing "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories, I'm sorry"

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    "...You're fine. You're fine. Should I...continue? That's not even half of it. Not that the other bits are too bad, just...well, my story's still pretty damn dark." [i]As if she was trying to lighten the mood a little, Irina softly chuckled, although the laugh was clearly full of sadness. She was good at hiding her feelings at times. But now wasn't one of those times.[/i]

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  • "Up to you, sometimes you gotta get it off your chest......." He sat down, and on the sheath of his dagger and saber there too was a crest It was a double-headed dragon, both heads breathing fire, and in its left talon it held a sword, in its right, a rose

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    "...I guess I'll stop. Getting too torn up about the past.." [i]Irina sighed, eventually leaning back against the wooden chair that she was still within. Both of her hands were resting within her lap, her hear aimed towards the stone castle ceiling.[/i] "...So...Anything you'd like to tell me?"

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  • "Depends, what do you want to know?" He said, in a guarded voice that betrayed his caution

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    "...Its your choice. I don't want you to bring up dark topics that you don't want to talk about." [i]Irina was calm and collected, and she didn't want Alpha to do something he didn't want to do. She hated forcing others to do things on general.[/i]

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  • "........then.....let's go with........My name isn't really Alpha actually, it's really Alexander D'angelo, I prefer alpha usually because......well I don't think you wanna hear that one" He didn't know why, but he took a liking to Irina, maybe he saw a kindred spirit?

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    "Alexander? That sounds more like a...well, human name. Alongside the last name..hmm." [i]Although Irina found it odd that Alpha had a human name, but she wouldn't persist. She respected people Enugu to where she wouldn't do such a thing. Have I said that already? ._.[/i]

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  • ".......damn, you actually hit that issue right on the head" He looked slightly taken aback, and then looked around to make sure they weren't being spied on "I.....well.....I was human. once. but.....not's a bit complicated"

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    "...I...I see.. My apologies if I went too far there, I...I hope that you know I didn't mean to. If you would like to change the subject...I'm perfectly fine with that."

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