originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]you see a fin start floating beside you again, but soon you realize it's just a fin, no body connected[/b]
[b]Robo and Roy circle, walking to the sides of the house [/b]
[b]the thing starts talking[/b] "Tubbs says "hi"" [b]the thing goes to bite the daughter[/b] [b]Sardina throws her spear and it stabs him through the neck and he falls down backwards before he can hurt the girl[/b] [b]he's still breathing[/b] >kill >make suffer >question him
[b]Royal dashes forwards, swinging his sword down and stopping at the his neck, the tip of his sword digging into it [/b] "Who are you?"
"I'll never talk!" [b]he spits blood in your eye[/b]
"Your loss." [b]Royal raises his sword and swings downwards, cutting off the dude's head[/b]
Sardina- Tubbs... he said Tubbs sent him...
"Yeah he did. -blam!- him. -blam!- Tubbs"
Sardina- Oh what I'll do to him... [b]she takes her spear from the dead man and cuts her daughter loose[/b] Sardina- I assume you have a base with these soldiers?
"Yes, indeed we do"
Take her there. And keep her safe until the war is over.
"What about you?"
I'm a warrior. I'll charge into battle and kill him with my own 2 hands.
"Good to have you aboard then." [b]Royal opens a shadowy portal and the squadron heads on through, while Roy waits for fish gal [/b]
[b]she enters with her daughter[/b]
[b]Royal heads In, and we end up in the blobs base [/b]
[b]Sardina sits with her daughter[/b] [spoiler]end?[/spoiler]