Why do people say they have a level 40 character? It means nothing. I can be level 40, but have like 200 light level and be useless in anything relevant. Never understood that.
Only if you bring Crockett and his Testarossa!
Your way too low for WotM. You wouldn't be able to do any damage at your LL. VoG, and CE as well as Skolas are fine at your current LL. get to at least 365 to do WotM raid.
I'm light level 39 with galley. Hope that's cool
Hey don't pay attention to your level it's the light stat
You're too low of light for the new raid
Join " Your Average Playerz" there is always space for more and we love raiding the most. Your place is here!
Go into siva heroic strikes. Grind grind grind. Get to 375 and you will be set for the normal raid. Thats where you should start. With such a low light level you wouldnt even enjoy the raid you wouldnt be able to do anything
347 light is pretty low. The enemies start at 370 and end at 380. You'll be shredded.
No one cares if your Lvl 40 they will want to know if you have enough light to survive the encounters.
347 is a bit too low for the new raid.... Get to 365 at least.
add me on psn: kandusen me and my fireteam is always up to help and play with people.
Get your light up
U need to be at least 360 to do worm raid kings fall u could do tho
Your 345-vosik recommended nm is 380 [spoiler]Your nowhere near a high enough light level[/spoiler]
Try running some heroics first man. 345 is gonna be too low to run wotm. Once you get around 365 you should have no problem getting a team of good chill players for the raid
Post your light level. Everyone is lvl 40. Just sayin
Happy to join. I'm looking for raid partners too. Are you on PS or Xbox?