"This one can."
[i] She hears the voice say, again, swirling around her all at once before the shadows a few feet from her on the branch begin to coalesce and pool together in an almost liquid/misty form, thickening and stretching upwards like it was trying to take a shape.
Indeed, that's exactly what it was doing. The darkness molded and shaped itself into the outline of a human being, before being blown away by an invisible wind. Who, or what was left standing there, was quite the sight.
The man stood at an above average height, somewhere near 6'2", and clad in a form fitting, pitch black glossy armor. On the breastplate, a yin-yang symbol over crossed was emblazoned. On the shoulder, a blood red coiled cobra, no bigger than the size of a half dollar, was painted and ready to strike. On the man's face, well, where his face would be, an Oni demon mask made of a twisted and contorted black metal with sprouting horns. Where his eyes would be, two coal black abysses gazed at her. Even such a blank stare made her uncomfortable, like she was being dissected and having her thoughts and secrets put on a table to be examined.
At the man's hip, three Japanese Katanas were wrapped in a black silk bundle, crossed over one another. The first was a big contrast to the man's shadowy attire, a brilliant white and gold that seemed to gleam even in the perpetual darkness the man had created. The second was more at home, a complete and utter black from the hilt to sheathe. No..black would imply color. This was the very epitome of shadow. The third and final katana was rather drab compared to its brothers, an olive green with an oriental Dragon head for a pommel.
The most unnerving thing about this new arrival, while his appearance was threatening and the weapons were exotic, it was his very being. The way he carried himself, like every movement maximized efficiency, and his body was merely a vessel for untold power. If death could be elegant..this man was the living incarnate. His form practically oozed capability, power, and dominion. He spoke again, that same cold and hard voice that came out metallic sounding through the mask. [/i]
"No predators worth living can climb trees, anyway."
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