I don't understand the "Slots open" and everyone I see are full so hopefully people will see this.
Hunter 385
Titan 380
Warlock 381
My gamer tag is the same as this user. Happy Raiding!
Thanks guys.
Need 1 warlock for step 6 for the outbreak prime
Looking for group for hard raid titan 398
First timer doing this raid and need help please inv 377 warlock and fast learner and have mic
raid fresh, gt popcornplayer47
Need 4 for fresh hard wotm gt same as above msg for invite
Need 4 I've done the raid gamer tag same as above message me to inv
I need a team I'm by myself. I've never done the raid before my light is a 385. Hunter.
Looking for group for hard raid, 397 titan
I'm trying to do raid hunter lvl 385 rn
368 warlock looking to do raid for first time
Looking for a group to run the raid. I'm 382 light level and trying to get good gear. Message absoluteDope10
I'm a 386 Hunter , new to the raid and want to join so I can get the armor and possibly level up my light
Need 3 for wotm normal first time run need help. GT ElegantJames
Bored as hell 400 hunter warlock and titan looking for a raid hmu on xbox 1 gamer tag LIFE Alertttttt
Need 2 for hard fresh, quick run msg spartin6 for invites
Need 1 hard raid 390+
Need 5 for normal run. Haven't done it yet but I have watched the fights
Anybody for earth of machines normal only need two GT above 375+
Need 5 for wotm hard vosik cp gt same as above msg for invite
Looking for 4 people for fresh normal send message to Highking Thanny for invite 370+
383 warlock LF fresh normal raid. GT is same.
364 warlock looking for a raid | gamertag: italoguru
Need 3 for fresh wotm hard mode msg for invite know what you're doing gt same as above
Looking for fresh raid normal 392 titan
Need 3 for normal fresh WOTM raid on Xbox one gt thelagisreal 21
Looking for group for hard raid at 830 est