I don't understand the "Slots open" and everyone I see are full so hopefully people will see this.
Hunter 385
Titan 380
Warlock 381
My gamer tag is the same as this user. Happy Raiding!
Thanks guys.
Need 5 for fresh run on hard
396 Titan on Xbox looking to do hard or normal, know what I'm doing.
Fresh hard. Need 3. Message for invite
Looking for 2 385+ msg for inv
Hi, Looking to do raid, Titan at 395, know what I'm doing on hard and Norman
Need 5 for hard mode. 390+ gt is xliquidsmoke0
Need 4 for fresh heroic raid message feariscautionz for inv
396 Titan looking to get into any raid. Gt: ReviveAddict
388 warlock looking to do phase 1 of the final boss on normal mode. Gt TheReapersback1
Fresh heroic raid doing challenge message feariscautionz for inv
393 Titan Looking for Fresh raid run hard GT same as above
Looking to do a fresh raid. First timer. 373 hunter.
Warlock lvl 389 ,have mic ,fresh start raid ,Oedipus comp1ex
372 Warlock, want to do raid, pls help, gamer tag is DarkenedMarrow7 On Xbox one
395 titan. Can do raid on normal or hard.Gt is AAQIBSHOTGUN786.
Titan at 395 can do hard and normal, message me on Xbox if you need one more
Titan normal raid invite me. Got mic
Need one for heroic axsis ph1 message feariscautionz for inv. We are all above 395
Need one more for Hard raid! Msg for invite... Plz have a mic! It's is same
Looking for 3 for fresh start, heroic, plus challenge, 390+, message Blind Eye Willy
Need 3 for fresh heroic message feariscautionz
Need 1 for hard mode fresh msg 4 invt^^^
Need 2 for vosik challenge Message me on Xbox for invite
Need one for for past part of aksis on normal with monitors msg XGN Valhalla
Need 2 for Hard mode fresh run 395+ doing vosik challenge must know what to do msg GT: BACONBOY15
Need 2 for Hard mode fresh run 395+ doing vosik challenge must know what to do msg GT: BACONBOY15