I don't understand the "Slots open" and everyone I see are full so hopefully people will see this.
Hunter 385
Titan 380
Warlock 381
My gamer tag is the same as this user. Happy Raiding!
Thanks guys.
Need 2 for Hard mode fresh run 395+ doing vosik challenge must know what to do msg GT: BACONBOY15
Hey guys this will be my 1st attempt at this raid. Please invite GT JGUNNER26 Hunter 393 I'm a quick learner please help
Need 5 for hard axis part two or a pick up close to the end 400 hunter msg H2OBUG98
Need 3 for aksis. Must have checkpoint. Message A Bligger
378 titan lf fresh run message gt above
I need one or two for challenge of the elders (ik iss not raid but I want that shotty) msg me for invite...should be pretty quick I'm not trash 😂 I have a mic but if you don't have one thass fine Gt: hitmin sniper
Looking for 1 msg for inv 395+
393 Hunter looking to do WOTM raid. Don't care where at. Just need to finish last boss on normal. I know what to do, just have bad luck with not so good groups. Gt:FutzyOG
Need 1 for hard we are 395+ msg H2OBUG98 the O is the letter
Streaming fresh hard wotm to join simply follow us on twitch: thekiwitree First come first serve so hurry and hop in❄🔥 msg me once you hit us with that follow. Every follow is appriciated and we will be streaming trials carries afterwards and some iron banner gameplay so same rules apply!
Edited by Bug: 11/14/2016 5:16:50 AMNeed 1 for hard we are 395+ msg H2OBUG98 the O is the letter
Need 5 for fresh heroic I have Aksis part 2 checkpoint but I want to start fresh 390+ Know how to do everything and challenge Message lujan23
Wotm normal xb1 looking for team 375 hunter
Need 4 for normal fresh raid. Msg for inv gt same 370+
Need 5 for aksis part 2 heroic msg DrAgZ x Twist for inv
Need 5 for aksis phase 2. Doing challenge. 390+. Gt is xliquidsmoke0
Lf 3 for fresh hard run 390+ Msg Gt above for invite
Hi, Titan at 394 wants to do hard or normal, message me on Xbox or just invite me in
Looking to run raid for the first time to learn everything 375 hunter gt same as above
Warlock 398 fresh hard invite me GT same as name
Looking to run normal, was at seige but will play any checkpoint gt mattybizle
Need 1 Fresh normal 380+ Need Mic Quick run!
Need 5 for Aksis phase 2 (normal). Gt is the same as above
So basically i am a 342 titan who doesn't know anything about this raid.a lil late i am. I am looking to be carried through it to learn how to do this raid and to get some better gear. If anyone is willing to carry me my gt is Anti Normies. Thank u. I wanna do normal
Hard fresh Need 4 Need Mic 390+ Experienced *mysterygiftboom*
Heroic phase 2 aksis msg DrAgZ x Twist for inv