originally posted in:The New Dojo
Oh hear me out, Bush Wookie, I can shoot with the best of 'em with just irons, but I don't like that. I [i]want[/i] them to know I'm coming. Shock and awe's a lot more fun. Scares the sh*t outta them when you kick the door down and blow their brains out with a double barrel. Waaaay more fun than takin' the potshot from a mile out.
[i]he went on, clearly not getting the guy's message. Perhaps he did and just didn't care.[/i]
"Ok fine..I can reroute the cables through the arms and into the palms.." [i] She says thoughtfully. The cables were thick steel, no visible electronic wires showing, but just steel. She looks at Wilson, scratching the back of her head.[/i] "Maybe half as much as the rest of it. As for the machine gun, doesn't fit my style. Too bulky."
With the joints, be sure that you can protect yourself from knives and blades. Many a time have I jammed a machete into the joints of a man's armor and killed him. They only reason I'm b*tchin' 'bout the cables is because of all the energy weaponry people have. It can really mess your day up. That's why I kept the Tesla shielding and added Schrader's tytritium shielding systems on top of that. [i]Wilson replied.[/i] He's right. Positioning is key, you've got to protect your weaker spots. Any onboard weaponry or just tech? [i]Wolfe said.[/i]
"No, not much weaponry. I was kinda hoping big guy could help me out." [i] She says with a smile, gesturing towards Wilson. [/i]
You're in luck, Smurfette. When Schrader fell, I salvaged a bunch of gear and tech and sh*t, so I have a massive collection of this stuff laying around and plenty of tools to install it with. I just need your wishlist. [i]Wilson answered proudly.[/i]
"Gauntlet blades, something for dealing with heavy armor, shock gauntlet, grappling lines, propulsion in the boots, some kind of shielding.." [i] She ticked the items off on her fingers with amusement. This was gonna be fun. [/i]
Gauntlet blades I can do easily, and if I can get the hydraulics rigged right, you'll be able to rip into most armor with them. Heavier stuff, I suggest using an AT sabot, basically a small version of an anti-tank rifle in either a gauntlet or shoulder. I can rig ya a gauntlet with enough energy to fry a set of armor and a tytritium shielding system. [i]Wilson replied.[/i]
[i] Riley nods thoughtfully and grins at Wilson.[/i] "Sounds awesome Wilson. I appreciate it. What do I owe you?" [i] Even if Wilson was her friend, she grew up where nothing was free. It was only habit to ask what he wanted in return. [/i]
What do you have? [i]he asked, interested to see what she could offer.[/i]
"Uh.." [i] Riley says with a pondering look.[/i] "I was just thinking money but you probably have plenty of that.." [i] She grins, snapping her fingers.[/i] "What about something that would let you disintegrate just about anything that isn't living? I know that's a downside but," [i] She shrugs like, "what are you gonna do?"[/i]
Look I don't need to kill rocks. F*ck it'll bother Lance about it. Tell that f*cker he owes me. [i]he said, sounding mildly agitated.[/i]
"Why would Lance be the one..?" [i] Riley cuts herself off and shakes her head. Wilson didn't make much sense anyway. She turned to Wolfe.[/i] "I don't suppose you'd be interested? They make great infiltration tools."
I'm not as much the mechanic as he is. I know you have dampeners on the armor, but do you need a scrambler of sorts? I do have some gear to scramble the signals from the suit so that you appear invisible to most detection systems. [i]Jackson remarked.[/i]
[i] Riley shrugs.[/i] "The more the merrier I suppose." [i] She reaches into a pocket of the armor, pulling out two black leather gloves. They have wires running up and down the fingers, will small nodes on each fingertip.[/i] "Wilson, see if you can get these integrated into the armor's gloves so I don't have to put them on it."
[i]He took them, they were tiny in his hands, but he slid them under his bandolier.[/i] I'll see what I can do. [i]he said.[/i]
"Thanks." [i] She says, before turning back to Jackson.[/i] "Is there any specific reason you guys are here? Or just wandering around?" [i] She asked. Not that she wasn't happy, but she was curious.[/i]
Wilson messed up a teleport. Quite honestly, I'm glad we ended up here. I wanted to do a little exploring here, look into Phoenix, my father, and the history here. [i]he replied.[/i]
"And because I'm here." [i] She says while grinning. [/i]
Added bonus. [i]He said, a bit of a blush coming to his cheeks. Perhaps it was his awkwardness that was what girls found attractive. He certainly wasn't full of bravado and sociable like Wilson, who noticed his companions blush.[/i] Dude just f*ckin' tell her you like her, like Christ it isn't that hard...
"Wilson's right. Awkwardness is cute but being out in the open and confident is a lot more attractive." [i] She says with a smile, running her hand through his hair playfully.[/i] "That and the hair. The big wig government guys don't make you cut it?" [i] She asks casually. [/i]
Considering I'm usually wearing the mask, no. The only reason that started was back during the days of swords and shields, you could expose someone's throat to a blade by yanking their hair or their beard. [i]He replied.[/i] Plus, Special Forces guys get a little leniency. Clarkson likes us to look normal and act normal if we can when undercover. Works easier. [i]He paused for a moment.[/i] And yeah... I, I uh... I like you.
[i] She grins, standing on her tip toes and planting a kiss on his cheek.[/i] "There ya go. I brought something for you from Angel City, but it's a surprise." [i] She says coyly. [/i]
[i]He stood almost stupefied for a moment, placing a hand on his own face where she had kissed him. Blinking, he seemed to snap out of it, a cheeky smile on his face.[/i] I was just happy to see you again, you didn't need to get me anything.
"Too bad, I did anyways." [i] She says with a laugh, plopping down on her bed, having a seat. [/i]
So what is it? I'm not a fan of teasing. [i]he said, sitting down beside her, sliding his massive rifle off of his back so that he could actually sit down. He held the weapon by the barrel, which pointed skyward.[/i]
"If I'm the one doing it, you would be." [i] She mutters, a suggestive smirk playing at her lips. She reaches into her jeans pockets and pulls out a ring. The metal was all black, and looked suspiciously like the metal of her swords. The stone was a bright blue, a sapphire, rather large and in the shape of a square. The most curious thing about it, was the dull orange glow inside the stone. Almost like coals burning. Micro thin lines were etched into the shape of a wolf head inside the stone, ever glowing like a dull flame. A master work of craftsmanship, and probably worth a fortune. She hands it to him with a smile on her face.[/i] "Merry Christmas."