Hi guys. I've noticed a lot of players rolling in packs lately that tend to play the 6v6 play lists and not bother with the objective. This one match they had one guy in particular try to flip the spawn on floating gardens the entire match while his team mates held back on the edge of the map with snipers. I killed him a lot and eventually they assigned a second player to assist him with his objective. I had less RNG bullets that map so it was actually fun.
Anyways, I figured after noticing this strategy I thought to myself, maybe THIS is how I "get gud" and maybe even prevent people from sleeping with my mother. If anyone else knows of any other KD farming strategies hit me up with those. I look forward to streaming montages soon with a KD of 2.9 +.
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Lol it sounds like they were farming exotics/Matadors. Last week I ran up against bob the demigod and his 6 man fire team (containing all 2.5+ players) while my whole team was 6 solo players... let's just say that their six Titan shotgun bubble method had their felwinters firmly placed inside our asses. It's annoying to go up against teams like this but sbmm! :-) (can you tell how broken that smile is?)