So everyone wants to get to the lighthouse and I am tired of listening to the same argument going around in circles, so I say screw it you wanna go to the lighthouse fine lets let everyone into the lighthouse. Now before everyone starts hating, here is the catch all the loot is behind a barrier that you need to go flawless to get through the same way it is now, so everyone who isn't good enough just has to sit behind the glass while the flawless dance and try on there sweet sweet rewards.
[i]this is satire in case that is not immediately, obvious[/i].
Opening it up for visitation would likely be the best course of action. However, having flawless players arrive and enter while everyone else watches will likely create some salt. Which is good, my shaker is low. :)
[quote]so everyone who isn't good enough just has to sit behind the glass while the flawless dance and try on there sweet sweet rewards.[/quote] I have no interest in trials, as elimination modes bore me to death. I would personally visit the light house, and leave immediately, just to get the grimoire. Maybe i would wave real quick to the flawless people there, but i certainly would not be upset im not flawless, considering the fact i have never, and most likely never will play trials due to my hatred for the game mode.
I'm actually fine with that. Just want the grimoire
So far response has been positive, perhaps there is some merit to this idea beyond joking around??
I'd take it for the grimoire, only damn location I'll never get but I blame my group instead of whining to bungie like a lot of others
I know you say satire but this is pretty damn funny. I would be one of the ones outside the glass and I think it would be great. I think I have improved in PvP but I am way too inconsistent to go flawless as are most of my friends hahaha. I know I will never go flawless and that is fine since I really do not deserve to if I cannot do it myself.
If they just want a grimoire card and gold bounty worthy equipment then I say yes . You have to earn flawless gear tho.
How about just remove lighthouse and the flawless exclusive reward, exclusivity is what alienates people, not just in the gaming community.
lol DEAL Would be epic to open the chest and troll the whiners with emotes Plusd itd show up the loot you got on the screen "Blind perdition(Adept)" comes up then pull it out and shoot the barrier to brag
That would actually be really funny, but just think of the amount of people that would message and ask for carries
I'm sure I could if I really wanted to or if they still had adept weapons with elemental damage (-blam!- yeah I would) but it's just a trophy thing now and I could not care about getting all sweaty for some esthetic reward.
[b] [/b]
Actually a good idea though
Lmao this would be epic. YES PLEASE
I'd be fine with this. I don't care about the loot, just the Grimoire card.
You get the lighthouse grimoire for going there right? If so I'm into this, cause God knows I'm never making it there legit.